Clearly the laws of gravity are terrorists.
Clearly the laws of gravity are terrorists.
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We can’t trust a terrorist organization like Israel to keep to their word
How much you want to bet it was a YouTuber or something trying to get views?
I’m not religious, but may Allah send them to the boiler room of hell. All the way down.
Think it’s triggering some kind of embed which doesn’t actually render for some reason.
Just a little oopsie dasie
Strikingly similar to Hitler’s (empty) promises to spare jews that turn in their friends and relatives to the SS.
Israel: “Maybe Hamas shouldn’t hide in hospitals if they don’t want us to bomb them!”
Also Israel:
I forgot what the numbers mean already
There’s really not a lot of situations where exact fractions work, but purely symbolic logic wouldn’t. Maybe none, IDK.
Simulations maybe? Like the ones for chaotic systems where even the slightest inaccuracy massively throws the result off, where the tiny difference between an exact fraction and a float can seriously impact the accuracy as small errors build up over time.
Performance penalty I would imagine. You would have to do many more steps at the processor level to calculate fractions than floats. The languages more suited toward math do have them as someone else mentioned, but the others probably can’t justify the extra computational expense for the little benefit it would have, also I’d bet there are already open source libraries for all the popular languages of you really need a fraction.
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out
A surprising number of embedded devices (you know, the ones controlling machinery in factories and stuff) are still running 32-bit processors.
To be fair, let’s not pretend we haven’t all written JS to resize shit in desperation when the CSS doesn’t work. Though the better way to do this would probably be to listen for the window size change to fire your style changing functions. That makes it behave more like responsive CSS that changes automatically when you resize the window (though with a slight lag sometimes because it’s a lot more computationally expensive). Though it could also be due to the browser putting unused tabs to sleep and stopping JS execution which would be outside the website’s control.
Nah two space inserts start getting difficult to tell which level you’re on at around 3-4 deep. Too close together for a casual glance to determine.
Yeah these are real, actionable threats. The world should be banding together in a military alliance against the US at this point because they are by far the biggest threat.
const gender
var gender