Maybe you should make sure this doesn’t happen in other industrial countries before shitting on the US
Maybe you should make sure this doesn’t happen in other industrial countries before shitting on the US
Of course, that’s why I said follow your conscience. Social media particularly Lemmy is a terrible place to ask questions like this though. You may as well as if it’s okay to become a cop LOL. The truth is the world does need landlords and cops. When they get demonized good people are less likely to become them and narcissists will take their place.
I was a landlord and had no problem saying so here. No matter what I said, people cut me down. My renters called me the best landlord, one called me the coolest landlord. Their opinions are the ones I care about. I charged $300 less than the house next door. None of this mattered to folks on Lemmy. I don’t take it personal. People talk differently anonymously online than they do in person. That’s their shortcoming not mine.
Good luck with whatever decision you make. I hope you have someone to mentor you in real life. I had several plus friends who are carpenters, plumbers, electricians and HVAC techs. They were invaluable
Why do you GAF what anybody here says? Sounds like you’ve been given a great opportunity. If it improves your life go for it. Let your conscience be your guide
As a guy who rented out one house for a very fair price i can tell you I’m the devil.
Best way to beat a bad habit is to replace it with a good habit.
For some insects it’s part of their life cycle. They spend the majority of their life in a larval stage after being born in the water. Then one day they rise from the water as adults, fly around and mate , finally returning to the water surface to lay their eggs and expire. This is the basis for fly fishing. The angler has to present a fly that imitates the insect in the particular life stage that the fish are eating. Mayflies, midges, caddis and stoneflies are the most common insects. Nymphs, pupae, emergers, dun, spinners are the flies imitating the life stages.
Which one? Lots of fedoras in this picture.
One way to get the hair off of furniture is to use duct tape. Make a band to fit around your fingers with the sticky side out. Your hand is now a hair magnet. I saw auto retailers do this and used it to clean up a rental car after driving around with my buddy’s giant white husky. It went quick and got it all up
Maybe meet them half way? Let them take your picture but should they ask for your number politely decline. Tell them if you gave your number out to every patient your phone would never stop ringing or tell them it’s against company policy. Either way they will feel better knowing you don’t give your contact info to anybody not just them. Whatever you decide to do i think giving them a fake number is a bad idea
My girlfriend gave me a hard time about it. I told her I was pro-choice
That’s a pretty small job. You may get outrageous quotes because a contractor may not want to be bothered.
Materials according to the Home Depot website: EDIT sorry just realized you said 8ft high plus a gate This will raise the materials cost a bit but you get the idea.
5 8ft long vinyl fence panels 6ft high at $109 each = $545
6 8ft high vinyl fence posts at $39 each = $234
6 fence posts caps at $4 each =$24
6 bags fast setting concrete at $7 each =$42
Total $845 in materials Guessing 8hrs labor at $30/hr =$240 I’d estimate around $1,100 or so. Adjust for sales tax and labor costs in your area.
FYI if you want to learn basic Home owner DIY skills, this is a good place to start. It’s a bit of work digging the holes but it’s not rocket surgery.
I’ve heard this for my whole life. Oil runs out in X years, until they develop affordable ways to dig deeper and get at more
Dress fairly nice. No shorts, no wacky t-shirts
Something is wrong with anyone that would look down on you for it
Life At A Snail’s Pace
It doesn’t matter your age, put up a bird feeder and you’ll soon hate squirrels. You spend $40 on a bag of seed and they’ll scoop out all the stuff that they don’t want to get to the stuff they do want. Seed on the ground attracts animals you don’t want like rodents or Canadian geese that shit all over. I found it easier to pay the squirrels off like the mafia. Buy a bag of corn or cheap peanuts and sprinkle some around to appease the bastards. It sucks but it’s worth it in the long run.
I wear flannels
If you have PVC drains (probably unless very old) most likely you can unscrew the fittings by hand, very simple. Take the trap off (the curved part) and just pull out the clog. It’s not hard at all, take photos as you dismantle it if you’re worried about remembering how it goes back together.