Warren’s party currently controls the executive branch. Though she can’t enforce the law, she knows and works with those who can.
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Warren’s party currently controls the executive branch. Though she can’t enforce the law, she knows and works with those who can.
republicans do voter suppression and purge voter roles. victims of either of these practices would be punished with a larger tax burden. not ideal.
voting should be compulsory
If the voters are the problem every time, the problem probably isn’t the voters, it’s probably the system. The US always has bad turnout.
71 million in a country of 262 million adults. 27% voted for fascism. 74 million voted for trump in 2020. This wasn’t a shift towards fascism, but the opposition party utterly failing to win voters.
The country has never been majority rule. Every modern election has split the country in thirds, about a third votes one way, a third votes the other and a third choses not to vote.
Over 70% of voting aged americans did not vote for trump.
edit: spelling correction.
I have made two claims with my insurance and they paid without any pushback. I think that’s just your insurance company. I would highly encourage you to name and shame.
The olympics let literal nazis host the games, this is entirely on brand for them.
I appreciate you and your comments on this thread. ❤️
That is not a reasonable response to someone having a cooler opinion than you.
Computer code is very complicated, so when humans write code we write in a way we can understand. We name functions and variables with names that make sense, and we put comments in the code so we can understand how it works.
Compliers don’t care about any of those things. Variable names are turned into numbers, and comments are ignored.
You can convert machine code back to source code, it will be missing all those human readable labels and explanations. You can recreate them, but its a major process. Reverse engineering is done sometimes, but there’s a reason is not common.
There’s also the issue of licensing. An important part of free and/or open source software is that you have permission to modify the source code. You probably don’t have a license to use the code if its closed source. There are ways to do this legally but it adds extra hurdles and inconvenience to an already major process.
If the us supported the two state solution, they wouldn’t have vetoed Palestine’s UN membership.
Make sure you vote so you can get a say in how enthusiastically the federal government implements the same policy on the southern border.
If you want an easier path to legal status in the us to disincentivise illegal crossings, you can get fucked. If you want a north american schengen agreement, you can get fucked. If you want any change in policy related to the southern boarder, get fucked.
If you care about whether the president leads chants about border policy, then american style democracy is for you.
That’s a strange response when they claim they don’t recognize the court.
Either sign on to the agreement and file a motion in opposition, or refuse to recognize the court and ignore it, like a responsible adult.
They are acting like a baby having a temper tantrum. Grow up.
What is the timeframe in the contract? The quotes only show a tiny excerpt of the whole contract.
I don’t see anything unreasonable about this if the terms expire when the game releases or the review embargo lifts. Reviewers can’t review pre-release copies of games until the embargo lifts.
If the non disparagement clause remains in effect after release, that’s very bad. Impossible to tell which it is from the tiny excerpt provided.
When american companies gutted american manufacturing to outsource those jobs to china, they did nothing to stop it. Apparently there was nothing wrong with any of what china does when it benefits american companies.
But now china has their own companies, now the profits from chinese business will stay in china, so they do a trade war.
This trade war with china is entirely driven by corruption and racism.
It works for the Cirrus because that plane is tiny. A parachute big enough to safely land a commercial jet is not feasible.
If a commercial plane has a failure, say an engine failure as in the news story, the pilots with fly the plane with the other engine to a safe landing.
If the Cirrus has an engine failure it becomes a glider. If there’s no airports nearby you’ll have to ditch in a field somewhere. There is a lot less redundancy in general aviation.
If you’re a new pilot buying your first plane, having a parachute on the plane is a nice feature.
First check its plugged in. Then check the power supply is turned on. Then check that the power button is connected to the motherboard.
It’s probably something dumb keeping your PC from working. You probably were worried about the memory or CPU so you paid attention. It’s the trivial things that are missed.
The first paragraph is autobiographical. I messed all those up on my first attempt. :-/
the us has two right wing parties
its fascism
Some monitors or TVs have a split screen function built in. There’s probably a box too somewhere.
Imagine throwing an election because you love genocide too much.