I’m pretty sure Israel really doesn’t care.
I’m pretty sure Israel really doesn’t care.
This is just the delusions of a deranged man. No country can e perpetually at war. Eventually, something gives way, and there’s no way Russia will ever win a war with the West.
This was a good read. Very interesting! I highly recommend it. It gives a compelling account of the conditions Russian soldiers are facing.
The world is REALLY sick of the USA’s bullshit.
I think the real danger is Trump winning… or getting so close that the election is a toss-up… or very close to that. I worry that the results will be thrown into question and that will tear America apart.
Another example of the rich buying their way out of crimes.
If the penalty for crimes is a fine, the law only applies to the poor.
The Americans had better get really serious about saving their democracy because it’s about to run off of a cliff. If Trump gets reelected, he’s going to go after democrats HARD.
I don’t believe this for one second. I haven’t heard anything from the Ukraine administration that would suggest in any way that they are interested in peace talks. In fact, their recent choice of putting a Crimean Tatar as the Minister of Defence suggests that they are serious about taking Crimea back from Russia. I hear nothing but absolute resolve by both the Weat and Ukraine to keep fighting until a Ukraine victory.
It stands for Real Simple Syndicate. It’s just an XML file that allows people of other websites to propagate indo provided by another.
When they start to tell us there’s no problem, there’s a problem. The US dollar is in decline as the world currency. Too much debt by the US is making other countries nervous to hold too much of their dollars.
A nuclear attack would surely bring in NATO. I can’t see them getting away with that without some kind of severe retaliation.
That otter make her think twice.
I have good reason to believe that the US government has abused their economic homogeny and taken on way too much debt to the point where other countries are doubtful that they will ever be able to honour that debt. These sovereign nations see the writing on the wall and China smells blood. I believe that the US dollar will collapse altogether and everyone else dollar along with it. At this point, China will come in and offer an alternative that is tied to gold, just like the days of old. Then China will take over this homogeny.
I really hope the western elites have a plan otherwise this is going to be some changing times.
What happens is that you become a stateless person, just like the Palestinians once where. I can’t speak for Russian law.
What could go wrong?