I feel like anger is a more raw emotion than frustration. just feels wierd to me. anger feels like the opposite of lust or something.
I feel like anger is a more raw emotion than frustration. just feels wierd to me. anger feels like the opposite of lust or something.
I don’t know about that but when im angry it does not feel like any other emotion is underlying it. I have been angry along with other emotions that lead to complex things. being angry about someone doing something you thought they were better than that you care about leading to a sorta disapointing sadness or such.
oh I think that is quite common. Anger sucks and I at least assume most people rather leave it behind. My guess is dwelling on anger for long periods might be a sign of a problem. Keep in mind though you still want to take it into account. I don’t hang with people or things that have a tendency to make me angry or activities. Which is also one of the many reasons I don’t like to drive.
I had a guild named that but I can’t remember which mmo. Flew under the radar apparently.
I would say its impossible. Even you write almost never angry because zero angry is basically impossible. Im pretty sure some baby crying done is from anger along with other emotions. My pets can get angry. Even people with down syndrome get angry and they are known for a general happy loving nature. Now as far as you im sure there are all sorts of people who in their perspective almost never get angry but some will almost never more than others. I almost never show anger but oh I do get it. I also avoid it like the plague. Its one reason I just avoid all sorts of products or services. They are just more things to upset you.
I imagine some religious folks would kill them as an affront to their religion or conversely imprisoned in secret government lab for testing.
sigh. im no sure why my initial thing is not clear. I was saying it would be great if posts from a community was spread out so that when going through your feed you see a greater vareity rather than seeing them clumped up. this is not about not wanting to see particular things. A cat community will have cat pictures. if I did not want to see them I could block the community from all. but I like cat pictures as much as the next person. pets are cute. if posts are put by one person all at the same time though then you get a bunch in a row as opposed to intersped between communities. So the tool from the original post seemed cool and I am hoping folks use them if so inclined. thats all.
well so you could have several cat pictures lets say but they are not of the same cat and its not doing the same thing or many various articles about trump. different things and actions. one about the trial another about greenland another about immigrants, etc. no direct duplicates just causes the feed to be streaky.
sorry was not talking dupes just many posts like pictures of the same type or 6 news articles in a row or whatnot.
yeah don’t misunderstand. its a nicety but beggars can’t be choosey type of thing. Quality posts are a gift so I don’t mean to quibble about the packaging :)
hopefully back to normalcy when folks hung out at a bar that jived with them.
depends on how concerned you are with the recievers. its nice when going through a feed to have topics spread out. at least to me. im much more likely to start just scrolling past more things when clumped together but if spread out then they get a bit more attention. That could just be me though.
so does this mean post dumps can be spread out? If so I hope some mods use it as it would help for each post to be like once an hour rather than half a dozen all at once.
I have not intentionally lucid dreamed but you may want to look into it as maybe it would help. I used to have a reoccurring kidnap nightmare when I was a kid. The dream would start in my house so it did feel real and I would be chased by the kidnappers and eventually I would wake up. Well one day I think I went lucid as I stopped running and like somehow just summoned my family around me and we went and chased them off and told them never to come back again. That was the last occurence of that nightmare and I never had reoccuring ones after that. I don’t expect this to directly help or anything but maybe it will.
I mean im an older dude so my guess is I could not make much money. Oh and its not like im in great shape or anything.
I don’t quite understand. Do you attain lucidity? You should be able to alter reality in a lucid dream.
last place I worked had an environment refered to as poc/staging. poc. staging. these are supposed to be as far apart as possible in a non prod environment not combined.
mine would be like this but more get an associates then finish up with a cs degree fast and start making money asap and buy property asap.
Im not sure. I could see it but its sorta stupid at that level.
fair enough. thanks for the convo.