I only saw ASL twice. Memories of mIRC on a monochrome laptop.
An Australian Reddit Refugee.
I only saw ASL twice. Memories of mIRC on a monochrome laptop.
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Isn’t there supposed to be a cylinder, a green flash in the sky and a green mist?
It might still be less environmentally damaging that running fibre to every starlink customer. That’s a lot of manufacturing and digging.
I found it a bit tedious having to build a new version whenever it broke. It’s a bit less convenient but now I just click stare then Newpipe sponsorblock.
Blink. Blink. Blink. Blnk.
“Ok. If you guys are really us, what number are we thinking of?”
There’s also “adapt or die” as an option. Only so much adapting you can do though.
Or playing cards against the tyres?
Interesting. But I wonder with the advent of Swype / Swiftkey etc whether a physical keyboard of these dimensions can compete in a speed? I feel like it’s not physically possible to match the speed of swyping, but could be wrong.
Is that from Ghostbusters 2?
This might be a bit annoying. On my Realme phone, no amount of setting changes stops it from killing Messenger randomly. It didn’t kill Lite so I could trust it, and put up with it despite its issues.
Yes and it’s fun getting Windows Live Mail 2012 to keep working at the best of times.
Every year or so, have to add these registry entries to revive it
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Live Mail]
They’d prefer Outlook Express.
I don’t care about that. What’s worse for me is that the Dyson ones are so damn loud. It’s a pain having to hold one arm over your head in the stall to cover both ears.
I like them as task bar icons…
Have to use an extension for that.
It’s a native feature of Edge, and a buggy version exists in Chrome.
Possibly clients will offer the option to filter net-negative comments so we just don’t see 'em…
Oh no. It’s Lucas with the lid off!
Not Sandisk. Had several just die with no recovery possible.
Kingston had a few failures but probably OK as a cheap one.
Only had one Samsung crash, so mostly sell those despite the premium these days.