The test consists of one question.
Will you listing on the exchange make me more money?
If the answer is yes, no further checks are required.
The test consists of one question.
Will you listing on the exchange make me more money?
If the answer is yes, no further checks are required.
Everyone already knows the answer, just because they won’t admit it doesn’t change anything. People who care won’t buy it, and people who buy it don’t care.
It’s disappointing but not surprising. Florida did the same after voters approved restoring released felons’ voting rights.
Kiss the ring
Is anyone surprised? If it’s Russia or China, they’re bound to reneg on their agreements.
Item 2 is your error, the foreign person would be here on a work visa so not an illegal immigrant. So person A is without a job while their company gets to pay someone less for doing the same work.
I’m also hopeful but equally doubtful. The people who already know he’s a grifter will continue to know he’s a grifter, and his bootlickers will continue to say he’s smart for not paying taxes.
Infinite growth is unsustainable. A decreasing population will accelerate the collapse of capitalism, when the capitalists run out of cogs.
I’m a chemical engineer, you didn’t piss me off
They’ve let Alaska get away with it for a while
I vote republican in the primary, Democrat in the general. My state has open primaries. But even with closed primaries, you can vote for whomever you want in the general. Register as a republican to vote in their primary and try to resist fascism.
Most of it. If your electronic gizmos were made in the US, they would be luxury items instead of everyday tools.
You can’t even imagine these kinds of numbers
From my understanding, they won’t start the procedure until the person is declared dead and the heart stops. It may seem morbid that they’re waiting for someone to die, but they’re not going to start hacking someone who still has a heartbeat much less is awake. They didn’t “stop” the procedure because he was showing signs of life, they didn’t start the procedure because he wasn’t showing signs of death.
About once a year, we get a Netflix subscription for about two months. Catch up on everything we want to watch, then cancel it.
After 6 months, Netflix forgets about you. Does that mean we count as a new subscriber every year? How many people like us are inflating their new subscriber number?
I heard about his story on npr. He’s been likened to Forest Gump - some developmental delay coupled with being on the autism spectrum. Everyone at the time was convinced he murdered his daughter because he was acting strange and not showing conventional signs of empathy.
Pointing out genocide is now anti Semitic
Sperm donors need to take more responsibility for pregnancy as well. Getting a vesectomy is responsible and doesn’t make someone any less of a person.
While it is nice that they are defending themselves and taking out some elite Israeli soldiers, this also means Israel will launch some retaliatory strikes against a hospital or something.
I will always read it as ay-ay-ron