And the few who can wouldn’t dare out of fear of Sudden Defenstration Syndrome
And the few who can wouldn’t dare out of fear of Sudden Defenstration Syndrome
Honestly, it should be more freedom from addiction. Porn isn’t harmful until it becomes addicting. Drugs can boost creativity until you become dependent (although admittedly these can have a greater chance of harm, caffiene included). TV binging, scrolling the internet, all these can result in inspiration until it becomes a required habit
Maybe rework the message so Freedom From Porn is symbolic of Freedom From Addiction, and the ability to generate ideas without needing to nut first, or take drugs, or scroll endlessly through videos and stories, or playing non stop games, etc.
Ironically, stating the full truth would help them more. Mythbusters proved that even several rooms away will have fecal particles
In this case, people accepting being force to choose between two genuine evils is because one of the two evils plans to make it so there is no chance at change and would likely turn to slaughtering people who don’t fall in line with the regime
Can’t do a message for some reason, so going to ask here for Trifox, please
Dammit, and Firefox is the only browser not jumping on the embedding drm bandwagon…
I still hate that if he doesn’t win, then the GoP IE Modern Nazi Party wins. It’s absolute bullshit that the choices are Monsters or Not Quite As Bad Monsters
Voting for a third party/not voting at all doesn’t work in the states, the two big parties get enough votes that not voting/voting third party is a vote for the other party, especially when the GoP will almost certainly do a Russian style take down of democracy if they win, effectively making voting pointless from then on. So can’t even count not voting/voting third party as a protest vote in this case when normally it at least has that going for it
Just make sure not to trust any gifts of meat from these numbnuts
Issue is we now have a decent population of people who will eat the tainted meat because “The government is lying” and trick others into eating it, saying, “See? You’re fine, that was ‘tainted’, the government is lying to you”
This could legitimately cause damage because the fringe crazy is now much more populous
That doesn’t hold with prion diseases as they often lay dormant for years, and prions themselves are nigh indestructable, lasting for years or even decades in the environment
Prions are misfolded proteins - The diseases they cause are because they cause other proteins to break and misfold to match the prion, so the traditional biological machinery doesn’t matter, just that a protein is close enough in shape to break and misfold in response
Then there is a possibility that none of this exists and this is a simulation and the developers haven’t added this as a feature yet.
Earth v.AD2024.1.1 - Began “Zombie Deer Event” on North American Servers
Earth v.AD2024.1.2 - Fixed bug where “Zombie” status would not jump species
Earth v.AD2024.1.8 - Reduced “Zombie” status infliction rate as players intentionally ate tainted meat to spite developers
Besides, it can easily be both. He wanted an excuse AND was an idiot who underestimated the damage Hamas is capable of
Yeah, but you usually see that for projects that aren’t near completion, since cancelling projects that are near completion just means all that money was wasted
Normally it would be projects not nearly as far along, or projects with troubled history where it’s better just to pull the plug than risk more money down the hole
Oh, sorry, was trying to imply how the whole political system is rotten with the, “At best, you get one term with a party that isn’t as bad”. I failed to be clear there since I went on a mini rant about where I live
My bad
Voting especially gets nowhere in majority right wing areas - At best, you get one term with a party that isn’t as bad, then all the right wingers get together, blame them for problems clearly caused by the right wing party, then vote them out
Fucking - The furthest left Alberta got was still technically Right Wing, it’s a joke
Welcome to the world of indie games, where the passion leads to experiences that stick in minds more than plenty of AAA games these days
Repeating fantasies over and over doesn’t make them materialize
And yet you keep repeating the fantasy of letting Russia win
It’s not a matter of if the Second Great Depression will happen, but when
We may be young at heart (emotionally), but we are old at heart (physically)