The self-identification of governments is possibly the least reliable way to identify which are closest to being socialist/communist.
It looks like a European welfare state, because instead of upending the system and ending up in an authoritarian nightmare, people are compromising with each other.
Popular prosperity is a function of power being reliant on the approval of the masses, and thus will not be achieved in any meaningful way under an authoritarian regime.
90% of the time if I ask for help on forums the answer will be one of three things:
Completely absent
Just google it scrub lmao (nevermind the fact that search has gone to shit)
Doesn’t actually answer the question
The core component of fascism is authoritarianism with totalitarian goals. Many nationalist movements throughout history have not been fascist in nature, and many non-fascists have embraced nationalist values without becoming fascists.
Also, claiming that a rise of fascism is inevitable under social liberalism is speculation at best.
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Fascist? No.
There is certainly a popular reactionary swing away from social liberalism and towards national conservatism however.
Most estimates (and all recent ones) put that number around 50 mln, the vast majority of whom died from disease, rather similarly to how the black death from asia killed the majority of europe and the middle east two hundred years prior.
Did it enable colonialism? Yes. Was it meticulously planned? No.
Well for the most part if we want to have a less context-dependent measure, with some caveats
The “left” vs “right” dichotomy is inherently context-dependent though. Objectively, it’s a terrible way to compare ideologies without context. Personally I find 8axis to be pretty decent instead. Unfortunately, the world on average is more authoritarian & conservative than the US, your scale may be an accurate representation of the lemmy overton window.
What’s fucked is most people think of prominent historical figures…
Because they think that the changes they achieved were good, and they see themselves as good, and they consider themselves american liberals.
Either way there is no chance that democratic socialists are as extremist as national conservatives.
In the global overton window? Yes way.
What pushes democratic socialists a full point towards the fringe compared to social democrats?
From wikipedia:
Democratic socialism is a left-wing set of political philosophies that supports political democracy and some form of a socially owned economy, with a particular emphasis on economic democracy, workplace democracy, and workers’ self-management within a market socialist, decentralised planned, or democratic centrally planned socialist economy.
Unlike social democrats, democratic socialists want to do away with private ownership and market economies. For the record, the US democratic party are not social democrats.
I’ll finish off with my take on the infamous “what’s a liberal?”. In hindsight it was probably a poor choice of words as there is no such thing as a “pure” liberal. The basic liberal value is freedom. To me, that includes freedoms of thought, speech, press (i.e writing, possibly also digital), organization, bodily autonomy and lastly ownership. Everything else is a product of how to interpret those freedoms and how to implement them.
“Pure liberals” would most of all strive to uphold these individual freedoms, though their solutions when different peoples rights clash may be different. A “pure” liberal strives for a balance maximizing freedoms of individuals whilst simultaneously minimizing infringements from both government and private actors. To me, neither ancaps nor libertarians are liberal. Libertarians prioritize small government to the point where it is incapable of protecting individual rights from abuse by third parties whilst ancaps prioritize property rights over individual freedoms.
Soclibs and libcons both limit freedoms somewhat in favour of other values.
Oh for sure. You’ve got to look at the ideology under the hood.
Party names are really just names. In Sweden, vänsterpartiet (left party) are communists (former name vänsterpartiet kommunisterna during the soviet era). In Denmark there’s venstre (left) which are liberal conservatives.
Even our most economically right wing party (the moderates) are to the left of the US Democrats in that area.
That has more to do with the fact that centre-right/right/far-right sources are seldom posted to lemmy and the communities implementing it generally prefer factual reporting.
Here are some examples of other ratings:
As an outsider, the Dem party is in a funky spot politically. Whilst it economically is to the right, many of its social policies it endorses are leftist. Their emphasis on equality of outcome rather than equality of opportunity is a large part of that, regulation of expressions and policy of migration.
Where I live, most of our political parties are left of the dems economically (basic welfare is not even a debate), but many would clearly be right of them (though usually not even close to the republicans) in social policy.
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In Sweden, where I live, 78.5% of paper packaging put into the market was recycled for materials (as opposed to recycled for energy a.k.a burning it in a power plant)
At least where I live even the interior lining and lid are now made from cellulose fibers and as such the packaging is (a) fully renewable and (b) the materials can be reused for other paper-esque products.
The fact that the democrats have selected such a terrible candidate that Trump has a running chance for the third time in a row and that the US as a whole has selected two awful candidates for possibly the most important job in the world, that is a disgrace, and it is shameful.
Yeah, I honestly give very few shits about the political opinions of the lemmy devs as long as it doesn’t taint the project itself -and if it did at some point in the future, forking an open-source project is stupidly easy.
I even donate a smidge of money to the development effort via librepay - man does need it to live after all.
Dessalines & Nutomic put a lot of effort into building and maintaining the lemmy codebase. I respect that.
Liberty means freedom, not only from government,s,but from authority in general. Corporations, religious organizations, criminal organizations, political organizations and other people.
Yeah he was much better a while back. Though that can be said for most of youtube. The algo messes up everything
Just saying that there are a lot of governments who like to pretend. If it’s called Peoples Socialist Democratic Republic of Utopian Communist Happiness, odds are that you should run for the hills.