It would help if there was unique animations each time, but it’s the same exact movement that makes it get tiresome.
It would help if there was unique animations each time, but it’s the same exact movement that makes it get tiresome.
I got a zero weight mod so I wouldn’t need to bother with inventory management.
Games that give you rapid and fun ways to travel have been ones that I’ve actually not found tedious to get from point a to point b. Methods I’ve like have been blink (teleporting short distances), grapple hook, super speed, flying, etc.
But, just old fashioned running or driving gets stale fast.
Especially stuff that continues to not move on from the original universe and focusing on the same old cast of characters instead of making a brand new set of characters not held back by having ties to the original. Nothing has come close to KOTOR when it comes to post Star Wars original trilogy content.
I’ve been the weird one where I refused to make a real Facebook account and would make a throwaway with fake names when I’d need it for classes. What would prompt the creation of another throwaway would be when Facebook would lock my account and demand I send in ID or picture verification.
I have a S23U and edge panels to open up new apps and one hand operation + to make gestures from the edges helps me navigate with one hand.