Canada, where every alert is in the nuclear attack category.
For anything important, use matrix instead of lemmy DMs.
Canada, where every alert is in the nuclear attack category.
Yea, it’s not the first time I’ve seen this discussion either.
I don’t wanna seem like I’m not believing you or belittling your experience, I just find it weird that we (we, users, as a whole, not just you and I) have such wildly different experiences with it.
As is, I have a vastly better experience with my own nextcloud than with corporate’s onedrive, with more stuff on mine.
Wish I knew why it’s so inconsistent.
Even though my nextcloud experience is fine, I know plenty of people with the opposite.
Legit have had none of these issues.
I do get a notification once in a while if I modify a picture fast enough, like a quick crop and it’s still uploading. Like snap pic and edit within the same 5 seconds or so.
Basically just a: “there are multiple versions of the same file (which is true), which one do you wanna keep”.
Then again mine is running on a pretty beefy server which might hide issues rooted in performance.
I remember it being hell when I was running it on a RPi.
Yea only times I’ve had issues is if I run out of space allocated to the container that runs it.
I currently have 16GB of phone uploads and 540G overall, it works fine
Nextcloud’s instant upload feature?
Whenever I take a picture or screenshot it’s uploaded there.
Nextcloud might be overkill if that’s the only feature you need. I’ve never used the more involved stuff like chat or document editing, just sync.
“eh, that’s a problem for future me”, sais previous me, the asshole.
This, but bottom right also includes past me.
Well I got cut off by word limit.
You can put text in a post’s body, and not only in its title.
Some subjects you might wanna look into.
NAT hairpin, also called NAT loopback If you’re sending packets to your ISP’s public IP from inside your LAN and it fails, your ISP modem (or whichever device does the NAT, probably doesn’t support NAT hairpin.
Split-horizon DNS That’s when you configure your own DNS for your hosted services, but with a different config on your LAN (which would point towards your services LAN IP) and another config with your public DNS provider (which would point to your public IP)
Carrier NAT This could break your chances of having a reachable service as they likely won’t make a port forwarding rule for you in their stuff.
IPv6 address types
Link-local addresses are within fe80::/10 (kinda similar to how is used in ipv4). This IP wouldn’t be reachable from the outside.
Global unicast addresses are all in 2000::/3, this would be reachable from the outside.
5.IPv6 DNS Make sure to configure both A (ipv4) and AAAA (ipv6) records with the right info. Although if your LAN devices only have ipv4 addresses and you’re doing Split-horizon, you could theoretically omit the AAAA on your LAN
As for your problems, it depends.
There might be a way to make this work without the VPS, but I don’t have all the info.
That said, a VPS or something like a cloudflare tunnel could come in handy. I usually prefer to host directly but still, that’s an option if port forwarding doesn’t work with your ISP.
You’d configure the DNS for your services to the VPS IP and configure the VPS to reach your stuff.
Using the VPS kinda also gets rid of NAT hairpin problems although it is inefficient to go through the VPS from the LAN with the downside of not working when your Internet is down.
You can still use the VPS and Split-horizon DNS if you wanna have local availability from your LAN when your Internet is down.
Good luck
The only way to protect yourself from something like this is to own your own domain name.
You can still use something like Google as a provider but you can switch providers and recreate the same email addresses.
It could be nice.
In the meantime, since I use lemmy in a browser, bookmarks work OK for this purpose.
mTLS is great and it’s a shame Firefox mobile still doesn’t support it.
Tomatoes are already acidic, consider non-lemony tomatoes next time if possible.
As for this batch, both sugar and baking soda works somewhat and you can to both.
A little at a time so you don’t change the taste too much.
Onions are acidic too, but much less so than lemontomatoes, adding a bunch of em to the sauce can help.
If you don’t plan on freezing or canning and you’re just making sauce to put on pasta or something, add cream to it to make a sauce rosée, it’ll mellow the perception of acidity a lot too.
Or use in it a chili where the beans, while not chemically buffering the acidity like baking soda would, can help absorb some of the taste.
Joint Ascetic Pacific Ocean Nations
Here’s a video of a mammography procedure done on a man which should at least show the compression process for smaller breasts.
This looks like a charity embezzlement scheme more than anything.
Phone books had your name and phone number. Some had your street address too.
Before that, there were books that even had your occupation.
Random directory example from 1886:
Last name, first name, occupation, street name, number.
I can’t find that email in the pending accounts, if you can confirm me the username of the account.
Reddit has been actively hostile for a while.
On one hand, it’s a smaller place, so there’s less content to browse…
On the other hand, it’s a smaller place so you can reply to an older thread and still have interaction with people.
On reddit, if I replied to a thread that was 1h old, it was like sending a message in a bottle, floating in an endless sea where none would find it or shouting in the void.
Anyway, welcome home / make it your home.