I saw other people say that later in the thread. Do we know if that’s why this execution caused pain?
I saw other people say that later in the thread. Do we know if that’s why this execution caused pain?
My understanding is that the feeling of suffocation is only due to a build up of CO2. So filling a room (or a mask I guess in this case) should not cause that feeling. Existential dread, fear, etc are obviously not affected, but it shouldn’t feel like they’re being strangled and can’t breathe.
You’re right though, in that obviously doing something inhumane such as killing people can’t be made humane. Its a paradox. And with our system specifically, I don’t think there is a way to do the death penalty “right” because the system isn’t just. Or even effective and logical.
I agree that it is insane. But considering that I live in a country with an unhinged gun culture, it is part of life.
And weirdly, you have to strike a balance. You don’t want to be complacent and forget you’re carrying a gun or treat it like it isn’t the deadly weapon that it is. But you have to be comfortable and familiar enough with it to be able to go about your day and be able to reliably draw and fire accurately if a situation occurs where the gun is necessary. Otherwise, there is no point in carrying at all.
Maybe a good comparison is driving or operating heavy machinery? You need to be aware at all times that you are operating something that could kill you and others in an instant at all times. You need to know where you are, where others are, etc. But you also need to be comfortable and familar enough with your vehicle or equipment that you can operate it smoothly and react to unforseen events.
No, just autocorrect fail. Meant I made sure regularly that I wasn’t printing. I didn’t want it to show. That would break the whole point of conceal carry. And I live in a state where open carry w/o a license is legal so I could if I wanted. But I didn’t want to.
Yeah, autocorrect fail. Meant that I wasn’t printing. Which means I made sure that there wasn’t an obvious gun bulge or something visible.
I have no idea how anyone can “forget” they are carrying. I carried fairly regularly for years before letting my CCW expire during COVID. And I was always VERY aware that I was carrying, checked regularly to make sure I wasn’t printing, and what places allowed and didn’t allow carrying.
To me, forgetting you are carrying a gun and going to the airport is a negligent as leaving your gun in a bathroom. It shows you are not treating it with the respect and caution that should be required in order to own a gun.
EDIT: Clarified that I carried for years and made sure I wasn’t printing.
Rich is an interesting way to put it. Bailing out the rich are tax cuts aimed overwhelmingly at the rich, not taxing capital gains and other ways the rich try to hide their true income and not auditing the rich because it is too much effort.
There is a huge need for Israel to actually prove this shit. I’ve seen only two pieces of evidence that they aren’t just collectively wilding out and killing everyone in Gaza. One piece was a brand new version of Mein Kampf that they swear came from a “child’s living room” whatever the fuck that means. And the other one was blurry images of a Hamas terrorist that might have been beside a hospital.
Israel is in the top 5 of military powers and they’re supposedly fighting terrorists that they’ve fought for decades who have essentially no modern military capability besides on the ground street fighting. If they have intelligence that Hamas is using hospitals, refugee camps, ambulances, the routes Israel said civilians can use for escape, etc, it seems like there would be no risk in releasing that.
It’s put up or shut time. Because all we’re seeing is a bunch of evidence of genocide and war crimes. So show us the evidence or just go full mask off (rather than the 80% mask off that they seem to be doing so far) and just admit that Israel is trying to turn Gaza into a parking lot with all that means for civilians.
I think the argument is that there wasn’t any movement to take control of Hong Kong and replace its basically independent government for years. Until there was.
Same with the whole China Sea expansion. Circumstances can change on a dime and the optimal outcome is if nothing happens.
How was there a deposit issue and not a withdrawl problem? That’s a little suspicious.
I’m just glad that so far my job has held at 2 days in office. It still sucks and I’m way less productive in office than I was when I was WFH full time, but it could be worse.
I think this issue does reflect on bad management. They don’t know how to monitor their team’s output, justify their existence or curb bad employees without being in the same room. That’s on them, not WFH.
It’s common, but probably shouldn’t be for these right wing grifters. Or just grifters in general. If you know someone is trying to start some idealogical bullshit in order to satisfy a personal grievance, you can just kind of assume that you’re not getting paid.
Putin won’t use nuclear weapons and he can’t realistically escalate the war.
That’s a huge bet to make. The whole point of nuclear deterrence is so nuclear powers don’t think to directly engage each other in any serious way. No one is anxious to call a nuclear bluff, especially since this is basically win or die for Putin.
I am glad I stocked up on chicken thighs from my local butcher shop a few weeks ago. Was something like 99 cents/pound. Now I’m seeing them sitting at $1.70/pound.
But chicken quarters are 89 cents a pound. It’s weird how the pricing works.
There are so many wild things about that story. Assuming it is all true, he strangled his girlfriend, dismembered her, ran her through a meat grinder and disposed of the bones in three different bags. He got only 11 years. He was pardoned for being part of the Russian Army invading Ukraine. He only served in Ukraine for six months before retiring.
All that is insane. A murder with an already hilariously light sentence is pardoned by being on the front lines for six months?
It’s a multifaceted problem and will require multiple solutions to address. Those are always the most difficult solutions because they’re expensive up front and may not show results immediately.
They also mention that the majority of homeless aren’t that. So this is a nuanced story I think. We may be able to help the majority of the homeless simply by giving them money and/or housing. But for the ones suffering from addiction, mental illness, or entrenched homeless, this won’t be a magic bullet. It will probably take drug and mental health counciling. It probably won’t completely get rid of homeless, and the ones it won’t help are the most visible and most problematic.
But we can’t let perfect be the enemy of good. And we already know our current approach is not even to the level of good.
EDIT: Grammar
It’s a fair question to ask. Any time civil liberties are curtailed, there should be questioning. There should be coverage.
But in a case of a smaller country being invaded by a world power, their options might just be use every tool available or accept losing their sovereignty because a more powerful nation wants their land. And we also need to acknowledge that and say it out loud. If you don’t think the war and loss of civil rights is worth protecting their sovereignty and the right to be a country, admit that up front. That it sucks, but that you think the benefits outweigh the costs.
My one question would be, was there a vote to fight a defensive war when Ukraine was invaded? Is that something invaded countries even do? I’m honestly asking the question. Because if there was a fair and free vote, and the majority voted to defend their land, then it seems like they’re fine with it.
I’ll have to keep an eye out for that one, have never had it.
That is the frustrating part. The employers want to continue to pay their servers unlivable wages and force the customer to pay the rest. But a lot of the employees don’t want tipping to go away because they make more than federal minimum wage or even popular proposed livable wages like $15/hr or $20/hr.
So now customers are the only ones who want tipping to go away.