There is no such thing as trickle down economics. The key part of that false hood is the trick part.
There is no such thing as trickle down economics. The key part of that false hood is the trick part.
From what I can gather the disgruntled insurance victim was wearing some of the most generic high end clothing for the new york area. There are so many people running around with similar clothing that they are probably just throwing pictures out there looking for a scapegoat they can destroy.
Underlying their shallow morals is a undiagnosed mental condition. More often than not from my perspective its usually a cluster B personality disorder. NPD/BPD or one of the others variants. They simply lack the ability to see their hypocrisy. They lack the basic empathy necessary to realize it. Due to this they a mortally afraid of therapy and are not likely to ever get better. What we have to do is improve identifying them and preventing their illness from destroying those around them. Not likely to happen when so many of them are elected to office. If you haven’t noticed mental health systems in this country are In a shambles. This is not a accident.
You should probably read that wikipedia link. I built some of the blockers or stabilizers as Wikipedia article describes them. You could see the pulses described in the output of a scope that messed up the AGC in the VCR. All the blocker did was blank out the pulses and that was enough to prevent macrovision from working on the VCR when making a copy.
All US made VCR’s had a circuit in them called macrovision. Its what caused the distortion in the copies when the tape was recorded with it. The German units did not have this. He purchased them through friends who were in the military. They bought them from the base exchange or px I don’t remember which. As far as PAL and NTSC I’m pretty sure he had something to deal what that as well. The guy bought the second VCR in the state right behind some super rich guy. He still had it in the 90’s and it took up most of a fairly large table.
Up until he died he made copies of everything he could get his hands on. He lived right on a county line and arranged it with his neighbor across the road in the other county to drop his netflix DVD’s in his mail box for pickup. He would get his DVD’s in the morning rip them and then put them in the neighbors mailbox before noon. It would be picked up that day and he would repeat the process. When he died I ended up with a huge amount of ripped DVD’s that I eventually gave to someone just to get them out of my way. I kinda regret that sometimes.
I had a friend with a huge copied VHS library. He ordered his equipment from Germany. No macrovision on equipment there so his copies were very good.
I’ve been pretty sure for a while that many at boeing have no shame.
Been working fine for me for twenty years or more in a mixed environment.
Thanks but I hardly needed anyone permission to not use that. .local still works just fine.
My old reddit account was monitored and everytime I used the word snowflake I would get bot slammed. I complained but nothing ever happened. I really made a snowflake mad one day.
These shock jock types always seem to nuke themselves in the end. That guy looks like the weekly bad guy on a episode of Starsky and Hutch from the 70’s
This is resting moron face.
Because they are saluting right back at him.