Better the tester than a user.
Better the tester than a user.
That’s some Renaissance H.R. Giger shit right there.
Do you know what classes you are going to be taking? If so, fnd the syllabus and take note of the topics and the text, if one is mentioned. See if you can find any mention of material your school may have used previously and get yourself a copy. Find the topics in the book and work through the exercises as you please.
Why do you ask so many questions? ಠ_ಠ
Just a reminder that the point of researching the validity of things we intuitively know to be true is to provide the empirical data and expert analysis that can be used in, say, legal decisions or legislative processes.
It’s not just ‘using a knife’, though. These are children put to work with knives under pressure to perform what should be adult responsibilities for the duration of their shift. Responsible adults get hurt in these situations. I’ve worked in kitchens, I know. Especially if management has created an unsafe environment where injuries are bound to occur. Like the kind of management that is willing to put a child to work.
THAT’S the golden rule? My kindergarten teacher played me for a fool!
Balls. The word you’re looking for is Balls.
remindme! 17 years
Copilot has cut my personal projects by about 40% freeing me up for work
A little of column A, a little of column B
You can’t force someone to do something they don’t want to do. Full stop.
If you are a business serving the public, yes you the fuck can.
Whether they don’t want to do it for good, bad, racist, homophobic etc reasons, is irrelevant.
We had an entire Civil Rights Act about it. It prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin.
Read a fucking book.
But look! The Indian Snake doesn’t care! It’s getting stung like a thousand times. It doesn’t give a shit. It’s just hungry. It doesn’t care about being stung by bees. Nothing can stop the Indian Snake when it’s hungry. What a crazy fuck! Look, it’s eating larvae, that’s disgusting.
“What’s done is done. What we need to do now is focus on coming together as a nation. Let me direct your attention to something irrelevant. Feel better? Good, now fuck off.”
So they’ve lost so much confidence in their ability to grow their streaming service that they’ve decided to pivot to the highly reliable… restaurant industry?
Approval ratings go up
Girlfriend at the time noticed this on my phone and had some choice questions for me.
I could have been a billionaire if I felt like it. I just didn’t feel like it.