Step 2 is out it is in most countries in Europe. But honestly I like how it is in the UK. You vote on a Thursday and people have legally mandated time off during that day to go vote.
I feel like a lot of people would definitely vote if it gave them paid time off from their work.
If you move to a weekend then it comes off their free time and they might be away etc
Also free and no hurdles mail voting.
The autocomplete is amazing
It just takes the mental strain out of syntax and I can focus more on the logic and structure of the code
Like you said much better for writing unit tests, but also for log messages and comments
Even the chat is sometimes useful but not as much. I treat it as much junior engineer assistant/rubber duck. I.e. I never completely accept what it outputs and usually review everything but quite often it gives me a different idea/approach even if it doesn’t write it 100% correct the first time. Because I always review it, having it autocomplete the next line is my preferred approach so I verify each line as they come.
Once you start to past 10/20+ lines in a row you will have a bad time.