But if I explain it, it won’t be as funny.
there’s a reason why i’m not intimidated
But if I explain it, it won’t be as funny.
I’ll take some of the backend dev.
Who woulda funk’d?
Me and an old roommate of mine tried watching the first. It was too depressing to finish, we didn’t bother. This image I assume taken from the sequel isn’t very promising.
So then no interaction with Discord?
Why pick this over ArmCord?
So what’s the turtles name? Any red flags?
Only an estimate of 60% of the international community approved of this. I’m curious what arguments against renaming it would be? Maybe cost? Although is a little whiteout really that problematic? I could introduce to opposition some simple software methods to iteratively erase that c in front of the word.
We’re almost a quarter through the 21st century?
Its a Skyrim mod, or a collection of mods. I never used it myself.
Why is this a thing? I’m not for generative ai writing code and making art. I just feel like they’re shooting themselves in the foot here. I love that mod that basically acts as an impromptu dungeon master when you communicate with NPCs.
Its throat and intestines are one in the same.
I think you’re onto something
I’m betting its the same group behind Cicada 3301.
A counterpoint here, if people don’t talk about a problem, or in this case share, then the problem may go unresolved or intensify.
Multiply that by how many problems affect masses of people.
I also can make up words.
Can you spot the error? Johnson went to the trump organization for a professional field.
Fuck your mom