Treat them how you would wish to be treated when you are old, forgetful, stubborn, deaf, and slower. Getting old can suck. It’s angering. It hurts. They are humans with emotions. Don’t forget that.
Each and every one of the creatures we descended from, stretching all the way back to the beginning of life on Earth, has survived by killing before being killed. We are the final product of a string of millions of killers.
Treat them how you would wish to be treated when you are old, forgetful, stubborn, deaf, and slower. Getting old can suck. It’s angering. It hurts. They are humans with emotions. Don’t forget that.
i read the article. It says 1 in 5 die from it. It’s spreading due to warmer water. It thrives where river water and salt/sea water mix. If you have scratches or abrasions, it can enter that way. One person who survived said he will never go into water again.
The question I have, are sales of these products down? Do these implementations work to reduce unhealthy consumption? Are hospitals and medical offices seeing less revenue? If they don’t actually work, what will?
Will we start seeing everything say “Made in Vietnam” now instead of “Made in China?” Vietnam is also a communist country, so why would the US do this?
Todo.txt plain text file. Use Vim. Date and todo statement. Sometimes more for explanations. I never delete anything in it; just make an X next to todo’s I’ve completed. File goes back many years. I can easily search for something I did a long time ago.
And then there’s MS OneNote for capturing howto’s, quick script one-liners, cheat sheets, diagrams, notes on various industry interfaces, etc.
Then there’s SCM for bug, feature, and track tasking.
And usually notepad paper and pen for meetings, which if there are todo’s, go into my electronic todos.txt file.
Some perspective would always be nice, or a distance legend. Like, could you see a human from that distance? A football stadium? A banana?
I’d also discourage just picking news from the center. You’ll miss a lot, as understanding the left viewpoint and right viewpoint are important for a holistic picture.
They are appealing to the fallacy that hiding things means bad behavior.
Not true. There are plenty of good reasons to hide things. Social security numbers, income, bank account info, even personal preferences.
Privacy != bad
Just basic, simple talk with nurse. No details because you’ll need to repeat it all for the doc anyway.
Mine died. $12,000 to replace. It’s insane!!
Purple, or violet, is a bit shorter than 400 nanometers regarding its wavelength.
It is said men have two (2) deaths. The first is physical. The second is when your influence in the world is no longer felt and your name has been spoken for the very last time.
As the great author Terry Pratchet has proclaimed, “No one is actually dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away…”
So it is in that vein in which my use of the word “immortal” was intended. Immortal was used in a purposefully exaggerated way to impress upon the reader the great significance and glory of the discoverer in making such a discovery.
My comment was intended in a poetic light, rather than logically or scientifically.
If I have enough PTO saved up, I’ll take “mental health days”. It’s none of the employers business why you take it if they offer PTO accrual as a benefit. I just email my lead either the night before or in the morning saying “I’ll be out today”. Period. No more and no less. No excuses. No rational. I earned it; it’s mine; I’m using it, that’s it.
So I don’t have to be so sick that I can’t get out of bed. Or a fever. If I’m feeling under the weather and I have the time, I’ll take it. I do that instead of taking a solid 2 week vacation at one time during the year.
3.2 to 5 liters a day. Hope I did that calculation correctly.
Nine to fourteen cans of cola a day is the limit. Eek, I’ve probably done that when I was a young programmer! Hope it doesn’t catch up to me. :(
Man I wish NASA (or some private pioneer) would send an archeology team (human or robot) to find evidence of previous life. Like dinosaurs or something. If you discovered that, you’d be immortal.
Ah. I remember that. Good show.
Where is this, specifically? Got GPS coordinates?
Very interesting. Thank you for taking the time to contribute your knowledge. I appreciate it.