They said kilawatt hours per how, not kilawatts per hour.
kWh/h = kW
The h can be cancelled, resulting in kW. They’re technically right, but kWh/h shouldn’t ever be used haha.
They said kilawatt hours per how, not kilawatts per hour.
kWh/h = kW
The h can be cancelled, resulting in kW. They’re technically right, but kWh/h shouldn’t ever be used haha.
This is a factual but irrelevant statement
Watt hours makes sense to me. A watt hour is just a watt draw that runs for an hour, it’s right in the name.
Maybe you’ve just whooooshed me or something, I’ve never looked into Joules or why they’re better/worse.
Mate, kWh is a measure of electricity volume, like gallons is to liquid. Also, 100 watt hours would be a much more sensical way to say the same thing. What you’ve said in the title is like saying your server uses 1 gallon of water. It’s meaningless without a unit of time. Watts is a measure of current flow (pun intended), similar to a measurement like gallons per minute.
For example, if your server uses 100 watts for an hour it has used 100 watt hours of electricity. If your server uses 100 watts for 100 hours it has used 10000 watts of electricity, aka 10kwh.
My NAS uses about 60 watts at idle, and near 100w when it’s working on something. I use an old laptop for a plex server, it probably uses like 50 watts at idle and like 150 or 200 when streaming a 4k movie, I haven’t checked tbh. I did just acquire a BEEFY network switch that’s going to use 120 watts 24/7 though, so that’ll hurt the pocket book for sure. Soon all of my servers should be in the same place, with that network switch, so I’ll know exactly how much power it’s using.
I don’t know what you want man. I like automating stuff so I don’t have to worry about remembering as much.
I don’t keep track of my weight so I could be wrong here, but more/less than last time wouldn’t be very helpful as your weight can vary by the day. You need a trend over weeks to really see what’s going on. I definitely wouldn’t use pen/paper as it’s just too much data to organize and graph, but excel would be a reasonable alternative.
Sure, and I could also turn on/off my lights with a switch instead of having them come on when I get home, and turn off when I leave.
I’d guess automatic history tracking. Step on it every morning and it’ll automatically save your weight to Home Assistant or whatever so you can see if you’re gaining/losing over time.
This is the comment that’s going to make me try it. I love my spreadsheet, so I’ll have to see if this does everything that my spreadsheet does.
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I could be wrong, as I’m no expert, but cloud flare’s proxy limits file uploads to about 1GB. I had to disable it to upload larger videos to immich. For other services, probably decent advice.
I know you’re joking, but that’d likely encourage people to pick up the habit, are you with big tobacco?
I’m also stoked for the government funding going towards rail infrastructure.
I feel like there should be an exception where if you accidentally trample some flowers, but then fertilize them, you don’t get disqualified.
Do they not? I know I’ve had my debit card bounced before. Maybe it’s just a thing with my bank. Only thing they’d do is transfer money from a savings account, charging you 15 dollars instead of nothing if you’d done it yourself.
I don’t get it. It isn’t like it’s cheaper than going to a local shop, so just go to a local shop.
Yeah, due to that video I’m stopping buying clothes online. I knew it was bad, but not how bad. I also had a recent experience with 3/3 items not fitting right, as well as a good experience in store. No reason to shop online.
I’m a gear-head so I figured I oughtta watch the duke’s of hazard, but after making it past a bunch of not ok “jokes” and comments there was one episode where the sexism was just outta hand and I quit watching it. The driving scenes are impressive, but a lot of it hasn’t aged well, to put it lightly.
Thanks for the explainer, that makes a lot of sense.