Pfff I do indeed, thank you
Pfff I do indeed, thank you
Sadly the coloration was mostly in post, the grass was turning a bit yellow but not to this degree nor saturation. Sorry!
As for location, this is the view from the Capra peak, the hike is near lake Bâlea if you wanted a Landmark to get there :)
I worry about the state of your bus travels if that’s a memory you have
Being relevant for losing appeals against being prosecuted for human trafficking isn’t really the desirable kind of clout
Millennials killing the tobacco industry
“looks like the jig is up, it’s true, we are committing genocide” said no country ever
Did you read the entire page?
Those were not his only directions to the crowd, however. In the same speech, he also used the following phrases while encouraging people to head to the Capitol and protest his election loss, according to the transcript and video of the speech:
- “We will stop the steal.”
- “We will not let them silence your voices.”
- “You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.”
- “We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing.”
- “We’re going to try and give [lawmakers] the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.”
- “We’re going to have to fight much harder.” “We fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”
He said that on twitter, while advocating for insurrection in a live speech. If he cared that much he would’ve gone on a public speech too, but that would’ve actually been heard by the target demographic
Perfectly well said, the same problem is happening in the UK at the moment, with Labour running on a platform of “we’re not Torries” without actually advocating for any changes
I was thinking more in terms of general microbes and illnesses, I’m not advocating for going maskless in front of COVID, the risk is too high. Still, thank you for the link, learn something new every day, though it doesn’t dissuade the idea that more exposure is bad, just that vaccines should be used first. The dialogue here was about going out with a mask everywhere, not whether or not you should be vaccinated.
That would actually hurt public health, we need to be exposed to mild viruses and colds to build up immunity, otherwise your system is ill prepared when it will eventually get sick
What I mean is there’s nothing pushing or pulling at you, you can clip your hand into the other person (or mush it to a point where it’s visually disconnected from where your arm is), you can easily remove yourself from the situation by logging off, taking the headset off, or both.
VR is immersive, but it isn’t that immersive, especially when it comes to user feedback
If it’s a good thing, Trump started it, if it’s a bad thing, Biden did it
Are you putting trans people on the same level as mass shooters and pedophiles…?
The vote was cursory, it was not supposed to be binding.
Always confused why people call people having fun going out of their comfort zone - not harming anyone - “degenerate”. Is it just because it’s something you wouldn’t do? Is it because it’s so far out of your comfort zone?
Health insurance implies a middleman that is profit driven to get as much money as possible by denying fringe claims, healthcare is paid for by all and has your health as its driving force.
Thinner* since there are people actually wanting smaller phones (and I have a jack on my zenphone 10 so size isn’t an issue), they’ve been blaming thinness and water resistance for the drop of the jack