Does anyone know if I have one of those super bright blue lasers with the big heatsink pushing 5 watts of power, can I hit the reflector? Probably more likely to hit an airplane and go to prison.
Does anyone know if I have one of those super bright blue lasers with the big heatsink pushing 5 watts of power, can I hit the reflector? Probably more likely to hit an airplane and go to prison.
That’s how these things go.
Deranged idiots changing the course of history, not time travel, time travel is not possible now or ever. You can go forward real slow if you time it right, but can’t go back, not even a little.
Patsies do the deed, the organizer collects the reward. It wouldn’t be a spectacle back in Iran, they would claim to have no knowledge lest there be retaliation, and also for that reason it wouldn’t be paid by the Iranian government, it would be paid by Iranian financiers and business people, backers of the Immamate, likely even by people living outside Iran, same people who are paying bounties to Hamas for killing Jews, for example, various Iranian-alligned “foundations”; might get some in gold, some in Bitcoin, some in various currencies, probably some even in USD. The person would hole up in some Iranian proxy state, and live out their days lavishly in like Qatar or something, maybe in Pakistan. It’s not like a free for all prize.
Further, this kind of thing might be served ice cold, when nobody expects it. There’s still people trying to kill Salman Rushdie for Iran and his bounty is only $3 million and has stood for forty years. Iran doesn’t have elections every four years with foreign policy swinging around like monkeys from a tree like some fucking people I could mention, they play a long game.
Fun question.
Man that water looks fishy.
Looks like central New Hampshire? If I had to guess.
Would love to know the name of the river if you don’t mind sharing. If not, that’s cool too.
That’s a cool effect.
I see a lot of pics taken from airplane windows and they are usually crap. Hard thing to do in an interesting way.
You’ve done it.
They were taken on different days.
They have over 200 photos already. I think the smiling photos are on a different day.
Not because of this.
I agree. Accountability should be through civil liability. But they have the lobbyists.
That data would be inadmissible in the murder trial. Lethal force is only privileged in response to an imminent lethal threat that the privileged act is the only way to avoid. The shooter’s life was not in immediate danger and killing the CEO isn’t likely to change the policies. You’d have to make your decision in the jury box without it.
I agree if caught he should be prosecuted. I’d be real conflicted about it but I could convict. He either did it or didn’t.
Nah you go with the other edgelords.
Just some quick context.
This is at the old military fort on Corsica in the town of Ajjacia, France, birthplace of Napoleon.
I don’t know hardly anything about the fort, but looking at it, it has this grassy moat around it, and the donkey was in there just chowing away in grass and stuff. I think he’s there to help keep it clean, and is probably not a very good fighter, even if highly motivated.
Only for as long as it takes for them to reach Canada.
I guess this is when we find out if the second amendment has any nuts.
A sizable portion of straight people associate being transgender as something sick and weird and a sexual deviancy, so it’s easy to target them and to try to associate them with actual objectively bad things (ie pedophilia).
I find that disgusting and totally incorrect, but actually I would be fine if that’s what they thought and that’s where they stopped.
But they want to pass laws telling other people how they have to behave, and how they have to do things.
The most unamerican and unpatriotic, anti-freedom thing that I can possibly think of, is people passing laws to define something as intimate and personal as gender identity and family planning. Like can’t they just fuck off and let people be how they want?
It’s extremely weird. And these fucking bigots think because they won the election they’re not weird anymore, but most of the country did not vote. These people are still weird as fuck. If everyone voted they would get crushed and laughed out of town.
Yes, women can be victims of patriarchy brainwashing.
There are working people who voted for the capitalist party.
Same shit.
Lol yes we fucking are.