The second syntax isn’t actually enums at all, it’s closer to a union type definition. You can’t even define enum Colour = Red | Green | Blue
using your second syntax.
Is china to thank?
Factor, Prolog, and Python has the fractions
Forth is fairly different AFAIK. If you want a “Forth style” language for general purpose, with more “batteries included”, try Factor! It’s a really nice language.
Surely “compiled” Vs “scripting” langs is better than throwing around (at best) meaningless terms like “real”
Mostly the ownership model, trying to remember which functions expect borrowed types or not, etc.
The error messages in rust are really good, so I can usually make the code work quickly, but I need to properly understand the reason behind the error in order to learn, so that’s when I get headaches
Rust is definitely a really cool language (as someone who has played with it just a little) but it’s quite headache inducing, at least for me at the moment.
Inscription. The less you know going into it, the better.
MQTT is great! There are clients available in Python, JS, etc
I was trying to rank up in Codewars, and there was a 1kyu (hardest and worth the most points) kata only available in OCaml, so I learned it in order to solve.
Some of the examples seem to be more “unintuitive for newbies”, but there are still some good ones in there