Damn, that’s amazing!
Damn, that’s amazing!
Oh that’s cool. I did similar on a recent hiking trip, one where I’d normally bring my tripod, ND filters, lenses etc… So heavy. And yeah, it was nice. Also, to not be constantly thinking “how to set up this shot”, just, enjoy it and snap some photos.
Katatonia… Devin Townsend… Hangman’s Chair… Pallbearer
I guess these aren’t really death metal. But they all crush, IMHO.
(I ain’t got much else… I’ve grown to love the growl!)
Whoa, dang, I didn’t know you could shoot raw on phones. What’s this world coming to! Time for me to sell my d800 before it’s too late! Kidding… Sorta… But, nice job, never would’ve guessed that was from a phone. :-)
Beautiful shot. Did you focus stack, or just use a small enough aperture? I like the colors and composition.
Way to get the “X” and the cat’s eyes in focus. Tough with that shallow DOF!
I’m in my 40s… similar to you, used to eat fast food often, and enjoyed it. I was having a horrible day a couple weeks ago, and thought “fuck it… I’m eating at McDs.” It was disgusting, not like I remembered it all.
^_^ thank you
Yes! One easy/good one to use is https://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/ It lets you pick two colors, and you can even use the eyedropper tool in their Color Picker box to select a color right off your screen. Then it’ll tell you the Contrast Ratio of the two selected colors. Higher is better. It will give you a pass/fail for WCAG AA and AAA (two levels of web accessibility standards). I just now checked the red and green from the linked map and it had a ratio of 1.3:1 which is a fail for both AA and AAA.
Some websites (like Trello) give accessibility options to skip colors altogether, and use patterns (cross-hatch, polka-dot, etc.). But in general, going for a high enough contrast ratio should be good enough. I’m a web dev as well and we just run everything through one of those WCAG tools (I believe we’ve been using the WAVE browser plugin) and fix it until it passes. :) But, being the colorblind one on the team, I can often just be like “uhmm, that one ain’t gonna work.” lol.
btw sorry I got so spicy in my initial comment. I really wanted to see the map. :P
Edit: Another reply to my comment had a link to a more colorblind-friendly version of the map, with red and blue instead of red and green. Much clearer to my eyes. I eyedropped those two colors into that webaim checker, and I was surprised to see it also failed quite badly on the color contrast! For example you wouldn’t want red text on a blue background (unless it was a bright red and dark blue, or vice versa). But for map colors, well… I guess that goes to show that for colorblind checking you have to use a little common sense and know what the most common no-no combos are (red/green seems to be the most common). I checked the accessibility docs at my work just now and we sometimes use this site to check what a site looks like under various types of colorblindness: https://www.toptal.com/designers/colorfilter
oh that’s so much better! thank you!!
Wtf are those colors, jfc… How bout a hand for us colorblinds.
Very nicely processed!
Yep. My parents are in their own echo chamber of Fox news and other 80-year-old racist fucks, and anything you try to say bounces off them with the basic formula you outlined. Actual external logic doesn’t matter. The wild thing is how big that echo chamber has gotten.
I totally hear that… When the light is just right, can’t fumble around :)
That’s really nice. The graininess gives it an “old photo” vibe – was that on purpose? (if not, how/why so grainy?)
Amazing shot! Looks like it’s out of a video game or something.
So nice! Those happy lighting accidents are the best. Well captured!
Exactly. My kid’s going to college next year and we’ll almost certainly be taking out loans, but I just bought myself another synthesizer. Because… synths.