My local cell tower is connected to the same street cabinet that my wired internet connection is connected to, and the speed of both of them is about the same.
My local cell tower is connected to the same street cabinet that my wired internet connection is connected to, and the speed of both of them is about the same.
I have a set of shell / powershell scripts that I run post-install to configure everything. They are hosted on a local webserver, so it is just a one-line command to run the appropriate one.
You can do it. I set mine up ages ago.
I’m not sure you could even run pihole on 512MB RAM.
And the biggest disadvantage of IPv6 is that each of your internal devices has its own address and can be directly accessible from outside. So you need to completely rethink how you do security.
DNS obviously, I use the Pi-hole compatible filtering in OpnSense Then Nextcloud, Email, Navidrome, Jupyter Hub, Code-Server
On FreeBSD, since v12 came out, it is now recommended to use zfs everywhere, including on virtual machines. I don’t know about linux.