It is of course licensing, licenses they can choose to change. There are many games not published by Nintendo and they stay, because it has been their policy, because it has never been interesting to stop paying licensing fees for old games
It is of course licensing, licenses they can choose to change. There are many games not published by Nintendo and they stay, because it has been their policy, because it has never been interesting to stop paying licensing fees for old games
They are testing the reaction.
Man that guy Urban needs so many houses… What does he even do with them all?
Just it might help to know about the experiments, I don’t know how to interpret it except I’m not on board with just calling generated art less human or enjoyable just as an art form itself (in general that is)
How big are the odds that the billions (later corrected to millions) of saving (a single day of borrowing btw) they did are competent and not a fascist hyper capitalist dictatorship rising?
Wow, that’s a great move
Because it’s sexual and they aren’t developed to believe sex exists
Definitely. It’s maybe also the taint of the megacorps that train them to then put sadistic system prompts into them before training it on the public
All right, I don’t want to dismiss how you feel or anything but so many people said this that they did experiments to see and it turns out that nah, overall, people thought mostly that the robot art was more human, and the effect comes from the knowledge of the painter. All things equal, emotional connections happen just as much (if not more) with generative art. That doesn’t surprise me honestly, it’s mimicking humans. And the rating of how likely it is to do so has guided it to the end product, so somehow, the humanity is embedded. It’s not something that feels great as I am an artist myself, but I accept science on this one.
Who do you think has paid artists throughout history?
(Patrons is the answer)
It’s like medieval times when syphilis was the rage so idiots started pointing their little finger when drinking tea. I can see how most normal people just made mocking songs about them even under threat of beheading
I know, but you aren’t
I know, but we’re not that close yet
You’ll notice that I didn’t do that and the rest might click for you then as well
No, thank you
But no sane person says that to someone they are inside.
No I for sure complain, but for date bugs… I’ll be forgiving
Why would they say that when their dick(s) are in you?
It’s always been the case that they fight over the screps billionaires leave for them. But traditionally they had so much friendliness and companionship in and between communities but as with everything since globalisation it was polarised by information tech. Megacorps are the new tribes and that will ruin the planet if it happens, well, already have basically. Any form of collaboration would help but it’s so cool that competition breeds competence and great products right? Not remove respect for each other and nature right?
There is so much backlash towards ubisoft etc for these practices, of course they want and need to know where and when it is fine to stop paying licensing fees… It’s a random game that probably nobody plays. They want to know if there is outrage. This is probably also why there is news coverage at all?