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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Apparently the plan was to disband the local department and merge it into the department of a neighboring area, then split the cost in an effort to lower the overall operating costs of police services in the area.

    The other city they were going to do this with declined the deal and so this town had to keep their local force in tact.

    Upon hearing that the city they worked for was trying to eliminate their jobs, a bunch quit.

  • We have quite a while yet. We spend about 200 billion servicing the debt right now and have around 4.8 trillion in revenue.

    The warning line is having a debt equal to your GDP. The US has a GDP of around 28 trillion but a debt of 34 trillion. So we are past that warning line, but by itself that doesn’t mean anything.

    For other countries it would signal to banks and other countries that it might be a bad idea to loan to them, but the US has a kind of special status in the global economy and this hasn’t slowed down loaning so far.

  • I am convinced the goal was to provoke a strong response from Israel. The reason is they knew the strong response from Israel would be disproportional and would damage relations between Israel and the rest of the ME.

    Israel was approaching normalized relations with most of the major Arab nations around it, most importantly SA. Normalized relations with Israel would likely mean significantly less political and economical support coming to Hamas. Without outside resources Hamas is neutered.

    So, seeing the real possibility of a large reduction in their economic and political power in the horizon they took desperate action to stop it, knowing full well the outcome.

  • It was all part of an effort to economically hurt Russia in response to the war.

    Best case scenario was Russia deciding the hit to their economy was not worth the war and back pedaling. No one realistically thought this was going to happen though.

    The next best case scenario was for the changes in quality of life for the average Russian would create enough internal pressure that the war would be called off.

    This hasn’t happened yet but internal support for the war has been dropping over the last year and some of that is attributed to the dismal state of the Russian economy, which is a direct result of things like Lush pulling out.


    And even if neither of these come up fruition, the more Russias economy is damaged the harder it is to fund their war effort. This gives Ukraine a bit more breathing room in their war effort.

    While the effect of a single company like Lush is unnoticed, it’s the collective effect of everything from these pullouts, to trade sanctions and other soft power diplomatic plays which total up to a noticable effect.