The literal endless abundance of things to do. Idc if my place is a closet if I’m never in it. Obviously if you’re raising a 5 person family it’s harder, but if you’re solo or DINK then why wouldn’t you
The literal endless abundance of things to do. Idc if my place is a closet if I’m never in it. Obviously if you’re raising a 5 person family it’s harder, but if you’re solo or DINK then why wouldn’t you
Arad productions has produced fine films such as venom and the uncharted movie. Along with the spider verse movies. What a range.
Also, Sony pictures is distributing the film, funnily enough, lol.
I’ve bought Samsung for the past 5 years now and have never had an issue with bloat if you buy from Samsung. If you’re buying it from a carrier then yeah there’s probably a ton of crap preloaded. Imo Samsung just offers too much of a complete package to pass up. Pixel is good but hardware leaves some to be desired. The cute software quirks just don’t make it up for me.
Yeah I’m not an av fanatic so I could really care less about the Dolby Atmos plus extreme ultra©️ speakers nor how big the screen is or if it’s on film or whatever. I saw Oppenheimer at an IMAX theater with film or whatever because I kept hearing it was the correct way to watch it or whatever and it was basically the same as every other movie I’ve seen. And for the audience I purposefully go during matinees on a weekday so I don’t have to hear other people talking, digging in their popcorn, seeing their phones go off, or laughing way too hard at something for way too long. The only reason I still go to theaters is because I like seeing things when they come out and sometimes I just want a slushee and some bunch a crunch.
Arrowhead is so fucking nasty, they should just ditch the line altogether. Definitely the worst tasting water I’ve had across the US.
You can complement aspects of things while still not agreeing with them as a whole.
I thought the original was pretty cool but not that we know he’s evil I’m not sure I’m into it. I think at the end there were other evil kids though? So maybe a focus on them or something might be neat.
I liked bottoms. It’s so sad to see how dead comedies are nowadays… I feel like it’s impossible to release just a straight up comedy movie.
The article says they just hang nearby and take photos, which is kinda hard to prevent. Or just speed onto the base, which normally ends pretty badly for them.
Freedom to manipulate and trick our consumers motherfucker 🦅
Don’t you 'member???
If you’re however old you are now and still not a blood making machine, I’d say see a doctor.
I remember my dad telling me about an article he read about the new Nintendo device that was going to have TWO screens. My 8 year old brain could not even fathom what that would be like… I do remember playing my gba sp and at one point closing the screen and then upon opening it up again later that it had died. I remember wishing that if there was only a way to turn the screen off when it was closed so you could save battery life… Imagine my surprise when I found out about sleep mode on the DS!
Now that I’m grown up and understand the anti consumer practices that Nintendo implements on its products enrages me, but fuck man, growing up I could not get enough of my Gameboy color, advance, sp, DS, Wii, 3ds… It’s so hard to hate them.