They will not. What happened with Cyberpunk happened with Gwent before and nobody gave a single fuck.
They will not. What happened with Cyberpunk happened with Gwent before and nobody gave a single fuck.
Dude, murica is batshit crazy
Dude, you should learn history. It’s exactly what happened before WW2
Thank you, there are many people who feel like they have become an enemies to all of the world and their own country
I am from Russia and i am frustrated with how stupid and misleading this news is.
Presidency is ending soon and Putin need to go through the voting.
Everyone knows it’s a circus with clowns yet Putin need to convince everyone he will be legit president. For the fifth time, after rewriting constitution, hahaha
Also Putin need a timeout to make weapons and train new army. While there is “unlimited” supply of bodies he can throw to die at Ukraine, it’s already costs him some money and gives idk how much payoffs. Just assume not much, cuz i haven’t heard anything about war in the country.
But i shouldn’t be taken as a reliable source of information from here. I can’t stand watching russian propaganda tv
Mostly all. It’s because USSR only used russian as country’s language so every nation in the country was forced to learn this language and there were many nations in ussr.
I’d say, Ukrainian have more brutal (deep throat) sounding than russian, but maybe it’s only local thing with Ukrainian guys i was talking with. So, usually it’s like 14 years old kid in Ukraine sounds like grown up Russian dude
I watched the youtube video about it and as far as i understand:
Venezuela doesn’t allow people to exchange in it’s currency from other currencies unless you are a person from president family or friends with him
However there is a weird legal way to do so, but it takes a huge amount of time and paperwork and you still can get rejected
There is shady exchangers in the country, but it is illegal and you might get in troubles even trying to do so with the wrong people and I don’t think someone would actually do it online
There is no excuse to ANY game, even the biggest open world, to have such a huge size. And we all know why it happens, because of uncompressed music and textures that people don’t want to waste time compressing nowadays.
And having a game take 100gb of size instead improving loading times and jumping from fight to fight on instant is stupidity. Gosh, graphics isn’t all
I got so frustrated with mobile gaming and it’s ads i bought myself steamdeck and now I’m happy
Seems like someone sending actual engines into other places where you can’t legally buy it. For example, sanctioned country
Don’t care, i uninstalled twitter some time ago
Just gonna downvote every news with him from now
I don’t know much about him either and i don’t want to start a debate trying to make him look good. Yet, the message i answered to was giving me creepy toxic vibes so much i was worried is the guy who said it okay or not
Dude, wtf is wrong with you? He wasn’t in the movies because he and his wife both decided to work to help to prevent child abuse and rapes. I know nothing about you, but gosh, you sound super toxic.
Probably yes, but actually if they can be seen. After all it is about signs, things that can be seen. Now, please, don’t message me about this topic anymore.
Wear small abaya if you want to, dude. I just told ya that people should follow the laws of the country. I didn’t even gave you my opinion on it.
Man, we are in the discussion where literally first post saying that French government preventing people from wearing crosses. What is the point of your argument, if you ignore information given to you by others?
If a female goes to Saudi Arabia, she is forced to obey the laws of Saudi Arabia and cover parts of the body. If a female goes to France, why is it your problem that people should obey the laws of the France?
You are insane.
It is not. It’s targeting religious signs. If your ethnicity can’t live with the same laws as others than it isn’t not you being ostracized, it’s you being dick by forcing everyone to follow your dogmas.
I read the headline here, on the site and read the topic and i yet to realise how was riding the motorcycle: the man or the lion