Poor kids, hope that whore rots in whatever hell this life has to offer
Poor kids, hope that whore rots in whatever hell this life has to offer
Trump and Aldean need a shallow ditch
Seriously. I’ve seen to many people that avoid nice areas because of stupid shit like this. Country music is dog shit but people hear you live in Georgia and assume you’re a good ol boy
I simply said that not all people are racist lolol
The post I responded to mentioned a city in Georgia and a long line of racist in the family but some people in bad families do use their brains occasionally and make better decisions, but y’all keep down voting lol
Aw downvoted for reminding people that there are decent people on the planet. Reddit2.0 here we go
Don’t assume everyone from the south is racist though, there are low life shit humans everywhere unfortunately
You’re right, whores don’t deserve to be associated with humans like that