A Nation in active conflict cannot join NATO, you silly silly person
A Nation in active conflict cannot join NATO, you silly silly person
I’m so tired of hearing this about America, we have one of the most diverse countries in the world. I understand the narrative that the media shows the world, the most horrendous of Americans (which are the smallest groups) get a totally disproportionate amount of media time because of their awful actions. A majority of the population tries to be decent human beings, of course bias exists subconsciously and people aren’t aware of it.
I am in the SE region of the US, which everyone loves generalizing as the most ignorant and racist area. I have seen true racist when I was delivering pizzas and my coworkers were black, it was horrendous. I can assure you the racists are a minority and a shrinking one at that. Not only that but it is exceedingly rare that they are under 50 years. Not only both of those things but both millennials and gen Z call out that shit immediately.
It really starts to wear on you when you actively try to fight these things and everyone still only sees your country as full of racists. Yes they exist but it is a shrinking minority.
The problem I have is when a gimmick is forced on me
Israel cancelled diplomatic trips to the us and other allies in response to the US not vetoing the UN cease fire resolution. Israel is not sucking America’s cock and the diplomatic ties between the two countries are the most strained they have been since Israel has been a country.
Countries in active conflicts cannot join NATO
For USPS they have a list of verified hemp vendors, they tried a couple years ago to open packages suspected of marijuana without a warrant. The outcome was it doesn’t matter if they suspect it, you still have to get a warrant. So now if a vendor is a certified hemp vendor they can’t touch it. Now UPS and FedEx are private companies so they can do pretty much whatever they want, that’s why almost all hemp shipments go through USPS. I’m paraphrasing a lot but that’s the gist of it. USPS is currently and has been the largest drug dealer in the country, even with omitting hemp because with the volume they process you could never catch them all and every other drug doesn’t have a pungent smell like weed.
While we haven’t had AR15s for that long, full autos were legal for private ownership prior to 1986
This feels like an accurate comparison, maybe they forgot how badly the ruble declined?
The system is really bad but you should also factor in the price while searching for schools, I went to a state University, one of the minor ones, and tuition was under 10k/year. So your son paid more for 1 year than I did for my entire degree by almost a factor of 2. Some universities are way more expensive than others. I got a STEM degree and was employed 2 months after I graduated, with a very prestigious research position. So it’s not like going to a shitter on paper school had an impact on me personally.