I wonder what their downtime would be. I hope they’d host it on rented servers just for that reason
I couldn’t finish it because it was both so over the top American (I’m not American so it feels different) but also because at times it was weirdly boring.
I wonder if Marx, Lenin et al. wrote about slacktivists
Finland: You’ll have to call this one and it works only inside Finland https://asml.fi/kieltopalvelut/
Once again the US is in good company.
Huh. I think I have the same issue. I just noticed it.
It seems like Puerto Ricans are pretty split on the issue
“Youlag” lmao
Sucks a high hard one if you plan for others to use your services too. If it’s just you it’s not that annoying
I was thinking that this was a bit like with age. Someone telling you online that they’re “25 and a half”, yeah I bet you are lol.
But to me 3cm difference especially in this sort of calculations just seems surprisingly big.
Don’t Americans deal with differences smaller than 1 inch when it comes to height, is it just 2 footies 7 incherinos? I’m so used to it being per cm.
Tbh I’ve never before seen a dropdown selector for height before either. It’s always just fill in thing.
Height selection on metric side has jumps of up to 3 centimeters lmao. Makes me doubtful about the accuracy since I’ve never before seen that
I’m also pretty skinny and it says my BMI and body fat is great but that I’m too round. I don’t even have belly and it is showing me as quite rotund lol. I think there’s something fucky going on with my measurements or about inputting metric into the calculator.
E: Tried it again and now I’m out of healthy zone for being too lean. Hmm. I’m not sure if I measured wrong or they’re saying I should have a bit of a belly. Which is the sort of medical advice I actually want lol
Hang ten breh
I would’ve put in something like “I did something to your clothes. Have fun finding out what”
Firefox closing down would be pretty big loss since we’d lose all our serious non-Chrome/Chromium-based alternatives
I’m sure you could, but with this being American government we’re talking about, I’m not sure they ever would.