Warning: This becomes a rabbit hole very quickly because there are so many items to cover. I’m not going to breadcrumb you. I want to provide you with everything, which means we have to start from the BEGINNING!
That’s what happens when you crowd source from forums and social I guess.
No idea. I used it to translate stuff uncensored
I’ve done delux in the states. Tickets were more expensive.
Kamala lost because the Dems didn’t show up. Again. Look at the number of votes for 2020 vs 2024. All those “undecided” and “obstainers” that didn’t just stay home. They didn’t bother doing a mail in.
Use case:
I want to set it up in my home so husband and 2 kids can access and share within GOG TOS.
Is there a feature to automatically download installers and patch files from GOG to the server?
Seems like a good feature to have to maintain an offline library.
RTFM? Nowadays it’s a YouTube video away. Freaking legos.
Drivers would be end users, Clients and project managers sometimes.
Think about it. Many drivers don’t know about checking the oil, maintaining proper tire pressure, tire wear, brake wear, air filters or topping off fluids.
I can do all of the above, but I’m nowhere near a mechanic. Just car savvy. So I could make suggestions to mechanics or engineers that look cool but are insane for functionality.
+1 for yt-dlp
That’s my biggest peev about JSON actually. No comments!! WTH!
I prefer toggle bolts since I’m used to them, high weight load and easy to break and retry a mounting.
We have the Federal Trade Comission but it needs to have the balls to really protect us.
Even when they step up its usually a small fine the offender just writes off as the cost of doing business.
Corp breaks a law. Makes $100m profit. Gets $10m fine. All good for the books!!
I agree with one correction.
Vote even in non swing states.
There are far too many registered voters who don’t vote.
Texas could be blue every year if half the dem no shows just voted.
Also even less vote outside of the presidential election.
I believe a single person having two or even three properties isn’t an issue. As long as you’re a fair and honest landlord. Owning isn’t for everyone. Renting is a viable option for many people. Especially if someone is going to live somewhere for only around a year.
There are entire corporations that revolve around slumlording. High rents, poor maintenance, shitty lease terms with hidden fees, kicking out low income renters to raise rates for new tenants, leaving units empty when there are lots of homeless, etc.
John Oliver did a nice episode about these types of slumlords. THESE are the issue. Career landlords. For people owning more than 2 homes if we heavily taxed/fined (like a years worth of rent) empty units (defined as not rented for 4 months out of the year) this would be a start to fix the housing crisis.
Often because we know how badly things can go wrong with so many components we start at the end of the app instead of the beginning.
Similar to how tech support always asks of you rebooted. We often don’t confirm basic connectivity issues.
Support should be 5 years after End of Life or end of Manufacturing date.
The worse part is having the gear and STILL not learning/playing with it.
I got stuff to start ! like an old i5 minipc and even a 64gb i7 pro series laptop…
Theyre just sitting unplugged with mint on them.