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Cake day: July 31st, 2023

  • I might have applied and i wasn’t being a dick. you removed my comment because why? you think the lord of the rings was written for grown-ups or something? time to test you and see how outlandish you can be. i’ll think twice about participating here. not a safe place for me when I haven’t said anything wrong. fortunately for me, technology isn’t my specialty. it’s literature. so, say goodbye to me from your community. also, didn’t appreciate your insult. I’m from the community you’re from. the comment from the other person came from another instance. you have nothing to worry about. in technology you won’t hear a peep from me, because I learned how this place works. humanities and cultural literacy is not appreciated here.

  • RIP. I remember some of his papers were required reading for two key seminars I took in undergrad and grad school. Both carried the same title at the time: “The Anthropology of Women.” An amazing writer and scholar. I’ll never forget the scholarly work I read in my undergrad class authored by him and Anita Hill herself. Groundbreaking stuff, not only for what was considered at the time a “niche topic” as people online say these days, but groundbreaking stuff when it comes to basic human rights nobody seems to think about anymore. I might add, in memory of this great scholar, that the term “niche topic” be stripped from everyone’s vocabulary. Your “niche topic” today might be a sign of your narrow-mindedness in history tomorrow.

  • Most people refer to FitGirl as a man. They assume FitGirl is a man or know it’s a man. I thought like you once the first time I saw repacks made by FitGirl. I was like, “Oh, cool! A woman into fitness and computer science!” I hope I was right and I hope your “outsider’s take” is right. I fear that this is not the case. Note that I fear this, I cannot confirm if FitGirl is a man or a woman myself since this person is not my next-door neighbor. I just have been around long enough to see how FitGirl is always referred to as a man. Since I’ve learned more, the idea, as far as I can tell, is that the software gets “slimmed down” and “de-bloated.” Perhaps you’ve heard the term “bloatware?” My understanding is that, if FitGirl is a man, he is referring to women who complain about bloating and he is referring to the “bloatware” that he reduces in size as a woman who has been relieved of the bloating. “Fit” here does not refer to exercise, but rather a body type which, in turn, metaphorically refers to reducing the size of “bloatware.” Anyway, that’s what I’ve been able to piece together over the years. Mind you, it’s an interpretation of mine. Who knows how far off the mark I am? Maybe someone who knows FitGirl personally can tell us more. Maybe she’s somebody’s gym buddy.

  • You like it. It has nothing to do with your autism. I mean, I have a thing for pickling, and it’s really specific. I like to make hot pickled veggies. I have a huge jar, and it’s for one thing: my hot pickled veggies. I have patience for that endeavor, because when I make them, I make them, in the fridge. When they’re pickled, I use them on everything. It goes with my thing for vinegar. When it comes to fermented things, I prefer to buy them already fermented, mostly because I don’t trust myself to ferment at home. I think it is fantastic that you have that kind of attention to detail that fermenting has at home. I’m willing to bet your fermented stuff is amazing. I love fermented ketchup, for example, and I buy it already made and cherish it. I would love to make it on my own, but I don’t feel confident about doing it. It’s what I’d call my limit in the kitchen. You could probably convince me it’s not so bad. The closest I’ve gotten to fermentation and successful is friendship bread starter and sourdough bread starter. I can handle that, because it’s something you put in the fridge. Do you see what I mean? I’m all about food safety and all that, so I’m cautious. I ought to be more brave like you and just go all out on fermenting things at home, because I think I’d evolve.

  • I really don’t see the difference. Instant access versus delayed access… sounds like a Freud book I read about once about the pleasure principle. It’s all silly. The timing has nothing to do with anything. As a matter of fact, you’ve just argued yourself out of your own argument and made my point all over again. You can see it tomorrow, you can have it today. You can delay your pleasure. You can choose not to delay your pleasure. You can delay your pleasure because that’s what pleasures you.