They could have saved even more by not putting batteries in them, or motors… Man, these things coulda had a way bigger profit margin!
They could have saved even more by not putting batteries in them, or motors… Man, these things coulda had a way bigger profit margin!
Fits on a 3.5" floppy… interesting.
To what end?
Many people view “looks” with a strong filter of personality. So being active, funny, nice, kind, etc. would actually, really, make you look more attractive to people.
Dress well, stay clean, get fit, improve yourself as much as possible. But do these things to make yourself a better person, not with an ulterior motive.
It’s an interesting story anyway, kind of fun how the early days of the internet people just decided to build stuff and that random little tool from decades ago continue to be the backbone of much of the world. Imagine if all that stuff was proprietary…
But rand() is a number between 0-1, so it will never be >10
Basically this is just #define True = False
The cat physics are also outstanding. You can tell there were animators just sitting there studying how cats move for many, many hours.
It’s a very visible thing when people do it. It’s not common where I’m from, but if 1,000 other people go to a store, then just one person leaving a cart in an awkward place pisses off 999 others.
It doesn’t take much to make it seem like a lot of people are being inconsiderate, when it’s much more likely that a small minority of people have a very wide reaching emotional impact.
So, the biggest tech of 2023 is a bunch of promises of things coming soon?
No, that would be an awful thing to do. You have to allow people to zealously defend themselves from any accusation. Also, in the US, the fifth amendment protects the citizens from being forced to testify against themselves. So punishing someone for pleading not guilty would directly violate the 5th amendment.
Can’t anymore, there are too many to give that much coverage.
Their primary mission was training and education, they only got into politics when it turned out to be a cash cow, and that was their downfall. It just had a long tail of money making first.
You already orbit Lagrange points, and there’s already tons of space rocks milling about in them.
Lagrange points are weird.
Make it like the new college debt rules. If you are making the minimum payment, then your total balance can’t go up. Interest can’t be higher than the minimum payment (which is also capped)
I liked this choice. The tri-color seemed a little busy to me.
Imagine buying an extremely expensive luxury vehicle, whose features are completely at the whim of some thin skinned billionaire.
Just remotely turning on and off different things in your car depending on who pissed him off, or pandered to him, that week.
Because it’s a prescription medication, just like any other. It’s far more convenient to pick up prescription just like you do any other.
There will be far fewer dispensaries than pharmacies, so less choice, more driving, and worse hours.
Don’t promote this shit. A shooter’s blog shouldn’t be paraded around like a novelty.
That’s literally why they said they don’t connect them to the Internet. Just get a separate streaming service and forget about updates or internal software.
Damn, that’s pretty slow. An ebike can easily match that speed.
That would certainly make it so everyone can share the road comfortably, and encourage more non-car traffic.
I think they meant to rotate through different pictures, not to physically walk up and rotate the ipad every few hours.
Which is kind of the point of a digital picture frame, cause… why use an electronic device to display a single static picture. Just go to a store and get your picture professionally printed if you only want one.