(translated from German) I can’t write
(translated from German) I can’t write
Well, still less than half of the internet
Fun fact: it wasn’t even made by Bethesda. They only published it. It was made by Obsidian Entertainment
String if_you_must_please_at_least_separate_the_words
Several German states, including Bavaria and Berlin, have banned the chant “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free” late last year, arguing that it was antisemitic
What the fuck?!
(Here some context https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/From_the_river_to_the_sea )
Why bot? Looks authentic to me
Cries in Arriba guided Buying
opens website
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Uh huh… “Illegal streams” eh?
Sigh opens user agent switcher
It is not open source and costs a lot of money tho
“Error connecting to PSN Servers” (no longer exist)