I went down that rabbit hole when I was trying to understand why the far right was interested in supporting Israel while simultaneously being anti-semitic and working alongside Nazis. Most people in the middle or left don’t understand how crazy this is. Many members of our government are literally trying to enact some biblical nestradamus bullshit to bring forth the end of times as described in the book of Revelations.
I’m a liberal Jew so it took a lot of reading to understand what the fuck they wanted end times to come for, but I guess it is so that they are then saved? As a non-Christian this seems weird and obviously cult-like but here we are.
Ah! I was wondering how such a seemingly simple hose had a corner on the market. Apparently it’s not a simple hose at all!
It’s illegal to “collect” this data on US persons in the first place. Like fundamentally constitutionally a problem.
The US government has paid a lawyer to say that it is not collected (even though it’s sitting on their servers) because it is not in human readable format. But they can change that and grab your data at any point. You become a protester or somebody who is politically disadvantageous? Well they can reach into their history of " not collected" data that they have… problem solved! Oh, a family member was killed by a murderer? Sorry we can’t look in the database of information that we have to find out who it was. That’s a secret…
Border patrol agent Manual Alvarez IV got qualified immunity for assaulting me while I was in handcuffs between being booked and being interrogated. That certainly wasn’t part of his job.
Also, I was found not guilty because you are allowed to protest the separation and detention of children at the border. So it wasn’t part of his job to arrest me either.
Qualified immunity. Now that racist, fuck is just in a different part of border patrol training and leading the other agents. This is how poison spreads. This is why all cops are bastards. You either pluck these people out of the system immediately or accept that you have corrupted a system.
Anwar al-Awlaki. Most things that I’m seeing about him are that he is the first US citizen targeted by a drone strike but I remember it being a big deal that he was the first US citizen assassinated at all.
And as much as I liked President Obama, he did set the precedent by targeting and killing a (bad) US citizen.
I agree with you and have studied this from my role as an intelligence official and former interrogator. The lawyer who prosecuted the Nazis at the Nuremberg trials stated that the real problem wasn’t the evil but the apathy of the masses that allowed a few evil people to do big evil things.
The fact of the matter is that human reactions to certain information are well known from our centuries of study of propaganda and marketing and psychology. At this point it is easy for the government to manipulate messaging so that the people are misled enough to allow evil.
It is the simple stuff and even smart people are influenced by it over time. It is a well studied phenomenon. No one is immune. For example, Trump saying that he has the most transparent government ever while specifically taking away rights and doing things in secret.
The propaganda tool has been efficient for our governments, especially since the advent of the internet. Also, keep in mind that roughly half of the population has a two-digit IQ. Some people will never admit that they are dumb and therefore will never admit that they have been deceived.
The fact that US citizens are scared to stand up to their government because the government police will abuse them shows where we are as a society. We are deeply fascist and the illusion of democracy hasn’t been functioning in Congress for quite a while. The illusion of the checks and balances has worn thin as well.
So I agree with you. Our society is diseased. But it’s not necessarily the faults of the individuals.
The government has abused its power to classify and protect information. It shouldn’t take newspaper investigations to find out where our tax money is going.
I still haven’t seen the uvalde tapes. What authority are they using to keep public information from the public and who granted the police this power?
It’s weird that I generally have been following this but have no idea who she is. Do you have any place for me to start reading?
I have no idea what you are talking about. I was arrested when I was protesting in El Paso. They just brought trays of slop to us in our cells three times a day. It looked close to an '80s elementary school lunch but slightly lower quality. It really wasn’t reasonable. I was found not guilty because Americans are supposed to be able to protest. The FBI felt otherwise when they cut off part of the tape proving my innocence but got caught doing so without consequence.
These are the people who attacked America on 9/11. They agreed to help Bush in his war so we didn’t attack them.
If I were a conspiracy theorist, I would say that the US worked with them closely before 9/11 and then enacted pre-written legislation immediately after the attack that our intelligence agencies knew was coming. Everybody in the middle was doing their job but our senior representatives never acted on the intelligence that was available. So now Saudi gets special treatment.
He is doing 57 months because he is serving for multiple crimes simultaneously.
Police who violate the law should not be allowed anything but the maximum sentence non-concurrent with other crimes.
But cops protect those who have power and those who have power. Don’t want to piss off the cops so here we are.
You and I just may have different opinions about how the government works at the senior levels.
A retired career federal employee.
The laws that the EPA has to follow and the people controlling it are who I am referring to. Politicians are taking money to prevent lifelong EPA employees from saving our lives.
Yeah but somebody who won’t even talk to Republicans maybe the indicator of a long-standing mental health issue. I have been arrested protesting and have been in three wars and I’m very liberal about my constitutional rights. But I still talk to my republican neighbors.
The people responsible for the short sentences are well aware of this. We will see this again.
Or paid their bosses (congress) a surprisingly small amount of money (bribes (“lobbying”)).
TLDR: Our government is for sale and two corporations apparently give instructions to the entire IRS and tax system because they pay a “subscription fee” to our politicians.
All as designed by the supreme court.
This is a troll, or somebody so rude that they would give a passive aggressive answer like that. Either way it is worthy of being ignored.