look at moussilini and hitler. they all sided with him
look at moussilini and hitler. they all sided with him
thier ally is PUTIN, thats all they need. ive seen them shill hard for putin, one asians youtubers acc, have been shilling for rich white people and russia see the common thing, before they went full maga.
no need to saw, when invasive species and the ocean is taking over. because florida loves to import all the illegal exotic animals, they got plenty reptiles, giant snails, giant rats. the latter 2 both carry nasty parasites.
theresa tiny part thats for maple syrup
if its alafalfa, i think alot of farm land are, its usually exported to the Middle east.
hugging the west coast, there are tons of cow farms, and a small part of cali is for the military, SEAL training.
in the courts thats true, like what is the circumstances of the accused, "the city targetting AA people preferentially and prosecuting them in quick sucession, like with luigi yes he isnt AA, but hes part of the class that challenged the ruling class. compared to a white person which they almost always become to careful not to charge them too quickly. in many cases the courts often try try to charge people on circumstantial evidence and eyewitness testimony.
you can say you show bias towards the case, by citing any reasons, you will get strike from the juror pool most of the time .additionally, they dont even pay you well for your time, you can easily lose alot money a day for not working your job, in alot of places they can pay you a pittance of 5-15/day, in cali its 15 only a day. theres also the issue that your job will not look kindly for missing a lot of days.(despite what the law says the employee cant retaliate) they can do other things.
they can threaten you, but they cant force you to choose a verdict other than what the prosecutors want, which is choosing not-guilty in despite of the evidence.
they choose jurors specifically that wont “jury nullification” i know quite a few people who were chosen on the basis: if you dont question thier authority(the ones choosing jurors), they love the pushovers, the retirees and govt workers, because they know they have nothing else to do".
other issues if the judges ego is not stroked: you’re trying to get out of jury duty, they might force you to be on one regardless. i know subreddit and a forum that has a whole discussion around jury duty for each state/city. apparently some states are so desperate for jurors, they ignore most excuses.
i use lemmy on firefox browser mobile and desktop?
through significant promotion and advertisement by APPLE, the mackbook, is used by tons of programmers though, and i have used the desktops at university library.
sounds like hes one of those, that " can i turn her straight for 1 day and have sex with er" types of people, its definitely creepy. porn has given people too many wrong ideas.
it is possible if you vomit enough, or if you have intestinal obstruction.
as long as its not sex related, since she still a minor. if it was 17 and 24, thats wierd, because the difference in age and experience in life. i known a former co-worker that dated 17years her senior, the family was not HAPPy, and it is pretty wierd.
its going to be mostly professional that requires significant degree with experience, or "c-suite shilles
its being inflamed by the billionaires meant to distract you from the real issues.
whats that saying" doing nothing and standing by is as bad as helping the enemy" this was also part of a plot in DS9 episode(when the dominion occupied ds9, and kira did next to nothing about it).
they usually ditch long before that happens, remember when the usa was going through red scare, and started targeting chinese people, one of them fled to the CCP and was instrumental in chinas sudden transition to hydrogen bombs from fissionable bombs.
biden kinda gambled and lost on her, because she was the only choice because of funding so late in the game.