An Israeli themselves accurately summed up what the Israeli state represents: “Rhodesia with nukes.” There is no redemption for the colonialist geonicide apartheid state.
An Israeli themselves accurately summed up what the Israeli state represents: “Rhodesia with nukes.” There is no redemption for the colonialist geonicide apartheid state.
Thanks for sharing! Based of that one video, I like homie’s energy, I’ll check out some more of his channel.
I’m from the US. Some standouts where this occurred are battlefield, cod, counterstrike, and overwatch.
I don’t talk on mic, because as soon as I do, all the white folks, women included, start hurling racist shit in my direction. I’m definitely not interested in forming a community with that trash. Ultimately, though, I’m thankful that anonymity makes white folks comfortable enough to express their true selves. I’m never under any illusions that they can be trusted.
That’s fine if you like the appearance of “retro” appliances, but that is certainly not the only way to avoid smart devices. Most microwaves, toasters, etc sold are not smart devices.
I didn’t create the reality they’re facing, and it’s happening regardless. No reason everyone has to suffer too. Sucks to suck.
That isn’t a bad idea. If they truly plan to gut the federal government and reduce its income, this will have an outsized effect on funds available for the red shithole states. Let the blue states band together to provide for their citizens while those who wanted this can wallow in their own shit.
I’m sure the man who orchestrated a deadly measles outbreak in Samoa will do a fine job with our public health policy.
While I agree in principle with the lawsuit, it is interesting that this is the game that people are suing over. I heard the hype and downloaded the crew 2 and it was complete dogshit of a game. I don’t mean from the perspective of finish, just the that the game, as intended, sucked ass. This isn’t the only ubisoft game like this, I don’t know how they manage to generate so much hype and fanfare around these tuberculosis vomit games over and over again.
I can respect that, but also respect that people will find it empty and confusing, especially because it isn’t corporate, so there is no funnel to get the rolling. They have to be motivated enough to seek all of that information out and as much as people use social media, it isn’t that important to them.
I don’t use mastodon, but yes, people are use to social media doing everything for you. Youtube is probably the greatest example of a service that will spoonfeed you content with little to no input from the user. My understanding of mastodon is that you have to know what you’re looking for to find content.
I wasn’t surprised by this outcome in the least. Nobody with any knowledge of this country’s history or regular interaction with much of the trash that inhabits it should have been either. If you’re still confused, look at the exit poll breakdowns by demographics.
I agree. I only have shallow knowledge of 40k, but the exploration of the history around the universe was very fascinating. I also think it’s interesting that this issue seems to occur with satire, particularly when involving fascism. It brings to mind starship troopers and the more recent helldivers, how so many miss the point. I can’t help but feel the glorification of the military and military service in many of today’s societies lends itself to this problem. The military is inherently authoritarian, against diversity (including diversity of thought), and intentionally dehumanizes “the enemy” (turns out, it isn’t easy to kill people). Couple this with an image of masculinity that centers around adversity at best, and violence at worst along with so many men who feel they have missed opportunities to meet this standard and you have a recipe for fascists. How do we address this within our society? I don’t have the answers, but we should all be thinking about it.
I think autocorrect fucked this comment, friend.
I think they are talking about those stupid ass vertical short dramas, though they are pretty transparent about them being A.I. scripts. The whole idea behind them is that they are mindless entertainment offered at very low cost and available in short eposodic format for phones.
It’s fucking sickening they are trying to portray themselves as victims for participating in a genocide. I only wish all of life’s misery on this human trash.
What hairnet to this young man is unfortunate, and I know the mother is grieving, but the chatbots did not kill her son. Her negligence around the firearm is more to blame, honestly. Regardless, he was unwell, and this was likely going to surface in one way or another. With more time for therapy and no access to a firearm, he may have been here with us today. I do agree, though, that sexual/romantic chatbots are not for minors. They are for adult weirdos.
The article specifically stated that the editors are being targeted for “antisemitism” due to mentions of colonialism and genocide. What I said was relevant to the discussion.