I don’t have any latinum, but I might get my hands on… other goods. Trade?
I don’t have any latinum, but I might get my hands on… other goods. Trade?
I had some friends/colleagues from Slovakia and I quickly realized that it’s extremely important to mainly utilize curse words while debugging.
What about man mount?
There’s still plenty meat on that bone.You take this home, throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato… baby you got a stew going!
I spent the last day refactoring code for a (private) project. But I drank coffee. This isn’t accurate at all!
*But drinking a glass of water from time to time won’t kill you either.
The result of an election is so much more predictable if the candidate name on the form has a strict validation to “Putin”.
Yeah. The sum they owe him should be a “whoops we fucked up badly, sorry. Take these 175k while we think about what you could have made if we didn’t. It’s just to get you started, there’ll be more next month.”
That sum is way too low, way too late and way too uncertain. What a fucking shame. He should spend the rest of his life in luxury with every wish fulfilled without even thinking about it. What a fucking shame!
I’ve wondered how people ran happily into their doom in WW1/2, and thought nowadays with all the information readily available they’d not fight and die for some grand illusion of some asshole wearing a crown or whatever Putin wears. But I was wrong. I don’t understand how they’re not on his ass, noose ready. Instead they cheer for him. Of course not all Russians, but enough to let him keep destroying their own future.
That’s really hard for me to grasp. If my government would start some shit like that we’d collectively laugh and replace them.
That IS a giant beaver. Oh dear.
There’s a reason Germany banned shit like this. It worked then, it works now and it’ll work in the future.
What the fuck? The headline sounds strange, but the article is so absurd I would find it a bit over the top if it was a movie.
WTF is going on in those prisons?
That’s still a lot
Someone else did it waaaaay earlier, and it didn’t end too well for them. The second attempt caused some chaos though. The world still brings it up from time to time, but Republican voters close their eyes to history.
If that’s available, good. What if that person was a prostitute to finance the education? I wouldn’t exclude them because they had one career step you might find immoral.
So what would you pick? I’d rather take her than some religious nut that preaches/screeches abstinence.
A friend was an escort for a while and she’s one of the most loving and caring people I know. I would trust her with everything, especially relationship advice.
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