Disgruntled yes. Gruntled, not so much.
This is accurate until proven otherwise.
Not from the Onion. Also that seems a little low for a space mission.
Now could we hear from someone who has the power to do something about it?
If I grew up on a farm this would be impressive.
Hmm I don’t know. Looks like Eastern Oklahoma to me.
Try all work done period. C suite “I made this”
While corporations are people, they are not a person and therefore cannot be charged with a crime. Check mate judges!
You, you could be… If you wanted to.
Ooh close! I’m moderately skilled.
Fuck yeah we did!
When you set the port speed to no negotiate.
Flying is the safest way to travel is what the airlines want you to think Hank!
People need to learn personal responsibility. We are all personally responsible for building the guillotines. And the sooner we start the better.
That’s a rounding error for Apple.
You can’t blame corporations. Lobbyists passed a law against that.