I believe you’re right. However, if memory serves, the ads did change occasionally, meaning the screen had to refresh, leading to increased battery usage.
Engineer, Python hobbyist, privacy oriented and fan of open source and libre software. Knowledge should be libre, private data should be owned by the individual.
I believe you’re right. However, if memory serves, the ads did change occasionally, meaning the screen had to refresh, leading to increased battery usage.
I just sent them a message asking them to disable the ads on the kindle I had recently purchased, and they did so for free, no root needed. That was a few years ago though, so I doubt they do that anymore…
I find that Neo covers most of my needs. Although there is one thing in particular that I miss: swiping actions on seperate icons to launch another app/action. I haven’t used Nova in a while, but it had nicer previews inside the options, and I find that Neo has a few minor bugs that annoy me at times. But Neo has the things that are most important to me: multiple pages, tabs or folders in the app drawer, icon pack support, search and gestures (not on each icon, as noted earlier). I also miss the ability to place icons between the defined grid as in Nova.
I use KOReader both on Linux and Android, and I love it! I used Calibre’s own reader for epub files earlier, but have since used a bit of time getting to know KOReader and its features better, and it suits my needs very well.
I stopped using Nova Launcher when it was aquired by an analytics company, since launchers usually have access to a lot of permissions, and I don’t trust a company dealing in analytics to operate in good faith with that access. I have used Lawnchair 2 and recently switched over to Neo Launcher.
Any particular OS? For Android I use Broccoli, and I think it does a good job out of the box. You can share the URL of a webpage with a recipe to that app, and it will try to extract the ingredients, steps, serving etc. from the website :)