Pretty sure this guy’s not actually a velociraptor. He probably watched Jurassic Park. But the thing is, that movie took some… ahem …“liberties” with facts about dinosaurs.
Most people hear “velociraptor” and think 6 foot tall lizardy looking dinosaurs that can open doors. But in reality, it’s more like 2-3 feet tall, kind of bird like in both appearance and behavior.
That kid who said it’s like a 6 foot turkey would have actually been accurate if he had said like a turkey. Just…a regular ol turkey, except with teeth, and carnivorous. Still a terrifying thing to stumble on in the wild, as they were pack hunters. Now imagine a turkey with teeth hunting you. Except it’s like 15 of the fuckers.
So yeah. This guy probably ISN’T a velociraptor. He’s probably a Utah raptor. Which is what Jurassic Park based almost everything on.
Now, all that being said, fuck you Nintendo! You shut down the servers! I’d LOVE to have MiiVerse and online services through your official services…BUT THAT’S NOT ON THE TABLE, NOW IS IT YOU NARSASITIC ASSHOLES!
Uhhhhh, it’s called “It’s god damn 6am! Why the fuck are you outside when beds exist???” That’s the official name.