That is a staggering, hilariously lower amount than it should be considering each film is around $200M+ sunk costs.
That is a staggering, hilariously lower amount than it should be considering each film is around $200M+ sunk costs.
You’re absolutely right. I could have approached that better.
I do apologize.
He most certainly did not carry anything in that movie. Script was trash, the effects were trash and yes, believe it or not, Ryan’s acting was beyond trash in that.
It’s OK, actors just suck at their job sometimes like anyone else but I am exhausted with people blatenly ignoring how god damn awful his performance was in GL. He was just as much a problem as every other thing in it. The film has exactly zero redeeming qualities, including him.
My God how did that awful costume get the green light…
deleted by creator
It’s the DNC paid social media machine at work here. They’re swamping several platforms in an attempt to control the narrative.
It isn’t gonna work. And they know it. But I’m sure they are paid well for their wasted efforts.
I find it interesting that a conservative sub is absolutely riddled with liberals. It’s painfully obvious what is happening here.
Stay mad lol
It was a Lion King movie. Of course people paid to go see it. Box office profits (tickets sold) do not equate to an enjoyable film.
I’ve never heard of anyone IRL or online claim that film was worthy of their time.
We all got catfished on that one but I’m not surprised. You cannot remake a classic. It will work only 1 time out of 50. The odds are never good.
Jungle Book was an exception, imo.
Gez Z didn’t grow up with watching movies. They grew up on social media. Cinematic story telling isn’t something they’re farmilur with as a form of daily entertainment.
I don’t blame them for this. But it definitely shows in their work. Their own generation aren’t interested in their stuff, by and large. Sure, there’s some that watch and enjoy it but the audience they’re putting this out to who are actually interested are older. And they see their work as it is - not as good as past efforts by generations before Gen Z.
It’s why the film industry is drowning right now. There is an audience still there for film. But the majority of it isn’t Gen Z. And that’s the problem. There lies the disconnect.
If you want Gen Z attention and dollars, the film industry isn’t where you should be aiming your sights at. Because they aren’t the audience for film. Which obviously means, you should cater the film industry to the audience THAT IS ALREADY THERE.
And that ain’t Gen Z…
Sounds on brand for Ron, tbh. I wouldn’t look at him poorly over that, personally.
Riddick: Family
This. Guy is weird af in real life. I’m willing to ignore it all for 2 hours of another Riddick film is as good as the previous ones but I’m no fan of this guy anymore after some of the videos I’ve seen of his behavior off set.
Another actor that Hollywood just turned into a freak.
Awesome. These were guilty pleasure movies for me.
As a companion piece to that great film witch doesn’t even scratch the surface of the tragedy in 1963, I urge you to read or listen to the the book “LBJ - Mastermind of the JFK Assassination” by Phillip F Nelson.
It’s absolutely fascinating and brings up more than a few irrefutable points. Seriously, give it a read or listen. (I personally prefer the audiobook).
It’s 27 hrs long…
Yeah I’m looking at the app (Uber Eats) right now. Alcohol delivery is an option.
At least in my area.
I took off work today because I feel like death. (strep throat, aching body). I just had DD deliver me a pint of alcohol so I don’t have to drag my sick ass out in this weather and risk getting other ppl sick.
I’m gonna make a hot toddy after dinner, lay down and hopefully feel better tomorrow for work. Point is, alcohol delivery is a great service imo. One I’m willing to pay for. It’s also one that has stopped my buddy from driving his already drunk ass to the store for more booze.
That alone possibly saved a few lives. Just sayin.
I agree. Something I wish we saw more of.
I’m aware. And as I previously stated, that is undeniably a poor return in comparison to the money put into these productions.