I am pro socialism and asking what kind of details is missing in pro-socialist arguments that you find capitalists explain well?
I am pro socialism and asking what kind of details is missing in pro-socialist arguments that you find capitalists explain well?
I immediately recognized your username. Maybe take a break from the asshole shtick for sometime… and also from online.
What kind of details can you not fathom in a functioning sustainable system? It shouldn’t be more difficult than “more! MORE AT THE EXPENSE OF EVERYBODY ELSE!”
The chickens haven’t come home to roost yet. But by now it’s building up into a tsunami.
This is why giving money to billionaires doesn’t work. Give it to normal working people. They will get some relief and this will increase their morale so the country gets better.
A very bad one if it requires switching off a large portion of your brain to find it funny.
This is on the people for using a discourse space that is not being maintained. I agree only that recent actions by it’s leadership team has be suspect.
Being good has nothing to do with having to maintain your company’s code base that’s in Oracle’s Java SE 1.6.
You can’t just design your way out of a conflict whose solution is to change either the existing system architecture or change Java versions,
both suggestions will get you laughed out of the room.
Who’s we here? You’re getting downvoted to oblivion because of your hostility. I am merely replying in kind.
The entire FOSS community works for very little compensation. You’re not special. Read the fucking room. A lot of people spend their free time building cool shit to share with the community. You’re a prick if you think that you’re in the right calling people in the FOSS community entitled.
You’re a dumbass who can’t read and doesn’t understand foss.
Actually the LGPL legally binds the dev to distributing those versions. So you’re just a troll. I am done replying to you but it has been fun watching you try to justify shit in the name of compensation.
Show us where the dev said exactly that.
You’re asking me to show me where the dishonest person admitted to being dishonest.
Apparently you want me to point out where I took the developer’s words but intentions are not words. You’re deliberately trying to argue that I am accusing the dev of things they did not do, but that’s not true. I am only arguing on their actions and assigning motive to their actions which I make clear in all my comments.
You’re the one who is calling people entitled for expecting LGPL code to be FOSS. I am merely replying to your comments.
The history change was probably to avoid violating the LGPL. If any contributors don’t agree with the change (or you don’t want to do the onerous task of getting consensus as required) you should remove their contributions from the work you make closed source as the contributions still come under LGPL until the original author consents to the change.
Or at least that’s what people said here.
Right, people usually carry a banner stating their intentions clearly and unambiguously.
not enough people donated
Sounds like entitlement to me
Only to a certain extent.
The problem is that a lot of software is very complex and requires full-time development/maintenance. It’s simply not possible to work on stuff for free unless this is just a hobby and you can sustain yourself with a main job.
The main thing I have a problem with this instance is the following sequence of events
This tells me:
Hey, A lot of people spent their precious free time to look at your project, test it out, and talking about it to their colleagues. How are you going to pay us for wasting however many minutes or hours of time spent on your supposedly open source project before you did the bait-and-switch?
(By “you” I meant the developer.)
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