Me and some old guildies have kept in touch off and on over the years. Every once in a while I’d buy a wow expansion and do a couple of dungeons. We were really looking forward to making Diablo 4 our new hang out.
We played like hell all through the beta. Then like twice in live. Then we all kinda decided it sucked. I think my good friend’s daughter is graduating soon. Or possibly already did. I can’t remember how much older than my own kids she was. I can remember when she was born.
He’s still like a brother to me, but we’ve got fuck all in common any more and we can’t keep talking about glory days that were damn near 20 years ago.
I think job postings are better in indeed, but tbh >75% I’ve gotten in pretty much my whole 25+ year career has been through a recruiter. Dice.com used to be big for tech jobs back in the day but I’m not sure any more.
As a SSE, mostly I have recruiters hitting me up through linked in. This is also a really bad time. I’ve been back to work for about a month after 5 months of not finding anything. That’s the worst drought I’ve had in almost 15 years. Usually it’s < 1 month.
Be seriously prepared about cloud. It’s so anyone fucking wants right now. I’m a damn good Java/js developer, but I’m still learning the tech stack and I haven’t touched a line of code yet in this job. Everything has been configuration and pipelines. I feel more like devops than developer.