Gamergate is russian psyops astroturfing.
Gamergate is russian psyops astroturfing.
Speak for yourself.
There is a lot of comments faulting society. But the individuals need to take personal accountability. Choosing to live online is what I see as the crux of this issue. This comes from personal experience of living online and being loney and miserable untill i started getting out and meeting people. This lonelyness “epedemic” is people not managing their screen time.
I have been depressed in the past and it took me 10 years of spiraling downward till i hit rock bottom somehow I bounced back up and started practicing better personal care(self love) by excercising more and going out and engaging in conversation with strangers (without putting any expectations of somthing more on them or myself). Eventually self care became easier and I stopped looking for the “why i am” of it all and focused i on the “how i can”. Im not perfect and depression is still there in the background but I don’t have to give those feelings all my time.
I hope it doesn’t take you 10 years. It could take longer. Life isn’t easy. It’s even harder when you don’t love yourself, and loving yourself is hard to learn from parents who don’t love themselves. Break the cycle your progenitors are trapped in. Save yourself.
Have you read any cognitive behaviour therapy workbooks? It can give you perspective and some mental tools to help you kick yourself out of the self doubt and self loathing that years of abuse have engrained into you. Love yourself my german brother love yourself as a giant fuck you to those who say you are worthless.
Oh Brad!
No. The UV light is on the other side of the rainbow from the light that makes you feel warm: Infrared.
Maybe you need to look for some higher quality men. They exist out there, quietly letting go of the insane bullshit that the world heaps on them, taking their time to get what they need and lending help for others in need. Yes the world is full of fucking selfish disgusting morons who cant and wont see the world beyond the end of their dick but it’s not all bad out there. I know lots of good guys who care about the woman they have committed to loving and I hope that you can someday find yourself in a place where you can open your heart to accepting love. Reading what you wrote makes me think that you don’t practice self love. Care for yourself love yourself treat yourself with the respect you deserve. Don’t let the bastards drag you down.
You smelt it. You dealt it.
You can replace US empire with human civilization and the same would be true. American Exceptionalism is just as bad in a negative way as it is when its positive exceptionalism.
Displays of toxic masculinity are an open invitation to emasculation. Deal with it.
1st amendment bro
Thanks for the laugh.
I needed that.
Do you want pants that hang down past your asshole?
Its just the right wing hacks astroturfing as progressives pushing the “Dems love genocide” wedge into the progressive mindspace.
It’s a shame that mental health care is not widely available when so many people are in desperate need of it.
They love building strawmen dont they.
EMP would fry most of them though.
4chan is a well known stomping ground for kremlin propagandists.