Ya, you should watch it
Ya, you should watch it
I love his movie and TV show. Great exploration of violence
Probably less bad but I might still be a little squicked out by it. You need to talk to someone smarter than me for a clearer and more insightful answer.
Investing in real estate like that is just making it fractional harder for you to ever buy a house too. You can have investment diversity without a reit in the same way you can have a full meal without french fries.
Bro polish your mfing helmet. This is embarrassing. The maidens are laughing at you.
Singular dog walking between windows.
God the dog video is awful.
That is because Philadelphians all drink blood and we’re the inspiration for 13th century vampire myths.
tells you to do a thing
immediately calls the thing he just told you to do dumb
Ya, people should be forced to move away from their family and friends and home by insane cost of living and instead of sympathy we should just expect them to single handedly solve an entire fucked up economic system.
Nine treasures is one of my favorites! Tengar cavalry too! Good post.
Lmao, I am sorry you are being down voted. This is funny
I haven’t seen such blatant victim blaming for a while
Oh man, I had thought you were being ironic above lol
Fuck, wish I had known about this a month ago before I paid out the ass for my shot. Oh well.
Doing good work helping other people not get screwed like me lol.
If I wanted an Ai to hallucinate up bullshit I’d ask it myself.
“Has gone through thousand of change of seasons” just doesn’t have the same ring to it
Why would these planes drop like bricks?
I wonder why low wage workers have such low wages, Mr. Unions-shouldn’t-strike-so-hard?
If only? There was a? Way? To?? Help raise? Wages???
Makes u think
Real talk here, a lack of union power is why people have such shit wages and scabs just undermine union power more and keep wages low by letting companies ignore union demands.
His face says no jury will ever convict him!