The artificial lavender smell they put on those scented trash bags gives me migraines :/
Just a guy. Just a fella.
The artificial lavender smell they put on those scented trash bags gives me migraines :/
Fellow NC friend! Greetings from Greensboro!
Every time I see this opinion being shared I just imagine a tiny, angry Tim Sweeney throwing a tantrum because Valve bad. Why? Because… Because I said so, okay?!
One of my favorites. RIP Trevor Moore.
Interesting video. I think I’ve heard of it as an apple growing up in a Christian household.
Semi related, but I enjoy the Gnostic interpretation of the Forbidden Fruit story, in which the Serpent (aka Lucifer) tempts Eve with the fruit of knowledge to achieve Gnosis, so she may learn the true meaning of their existence (the understanding that God is not their true creator). This paints Lucifer as the hero and God, or Yaldabaoth in Gnosticism, as the villain.
One of my all time favorite games from a wonderful developer. Haley, my beloved.
Bazzite Linux running KDE Plasma 6. It’s a wonderful distro based on Fedora 40 (I think, still kinda new) and it’s made for gaming.
“Did not know” is correct. “Knew” generally comes after a pronoun "I knew, he knew, they knew. " Know, however, is also fine after pronouns.
I’m sure there’s a properly defined rule in English for it, but I definitely don’t know it.
The cig is a nice touch.
I live in the US. Last year I had a wisdom tooth removal and was prescribed Hydrocodone, like you.
I took one and it made me sick, so I didn’t take the rest. They’re still in my medicine cabinet and won’t ever be touched, I’m sure. No one has come after me for it.
Gaslighting is the process of making someone question their own beliefs. It’s usually seen in the context of abusive relationships, but any person can gaslight any other person in whatever context (i.e., politics, etc).
I don’t know what smell you’re talking about about, but the extreme temperature might alter how you taste or smell, which may contribute to that.
Please explain how Biden controls the gas prices, and how him controlling the gas prices constitutes a dictatorship.
NC is the prime climate for growing too. I’ll be making the drive to the Cherokee Reservation when they get their dispensaries running, and they can have my money.
Especially when you compare it to New Leaf’s 13 million units sold, and was supported for way longer than Horizons.