Most certainly, places like this where we are are still extremely niche, but nonetheless vital parts of the resistance. Since social media as you said is in the pocket of big capital, being so the algorithm is tailored to quell the feeling of revolt(for more on that see Mark Fisher’s capitalist realism, or check this out it has English subtitles, it’s a magnificent fellow Brazilian comrade) while setting a looping trap of distraction, so people feel like they are fighting the system promoting and liking the people who look like are doing something, while just being a colorful distraction, the way forward is organization, form/join cooperative groups, communist parties or any gathering of people debating openly this Ideas, specially, if at all possible, an in personal organization group, so there can be real action, strikes protests and factual resistance, or else they will roll us over, the word of order is to UNITE!
The similarities with socialism has to do with what I believe that they come from the same source, the oppression of capitalism, that leads them to feel, accurately that there is something really wrong, but they have the necessary cognitive dissonance to feel the issues of capitalism but also love the system, therefore the answers communists give must be worng, so they need to fabricate a fantastic and flexible explanation that allows them to stay right wing and enraged, fascism serves a similar purpose to the upkeep of the system