Oh you’re absolutely right. I would rather know about it than pretend everything is sunshine and rainbows. I just find it jarring that so much of the morals and rules I grew up on are not how things actually are lol
Oh you’re absolutely right. I would rather know about it than pretend everything is sunshine and rainbows. I just find it jarring that so much of the morals and rules I grew up on are not how things actually are lol
Was this the game where the developer made the game less fun a few years ago? I can’t trmember what the issue was but it was something to do with a car crashing into you or something?
I’m curious how Canadians would vote if the liberals started to lean more towards the NDP. Would they react positively or just double down with right-wing politics?
I know Alberta and Ontario are having a fun time with that right now, provincially
This kinda thing bothers me. As someone who isn’t familiar with the area, I could easily take a quick glance at that photo and think it was real too.
I find I sometimes struggle with…hmm I’m lacking the word here. I feel like there’s this mental whiplash when I read about stuff like this.
As a little kid I was taught in school that we have laws to keep society orderly for everyone. I was taught about morals and between right and wrong. Who “good” and “bad” people were.
I always thought the government was “good”. And then I see stuff like this and my brain short circuits.
It was some weird stuff with the screen and audio issues. Probably weird software issues that were fixed with a patch.
This video isn’t the best example as it cherry picks and nitpicks a bit. But there’s some examples of the weird issues too.
I actually don’t know how widespread the issues were or if they were overblown, but I remember seeing them pop up for the first couple of months after release. I didn’t really hear about any problems after that, so I don’t really know.
My assumption is that the likelihood of these issues repeating is very slim. They probably based the software and hardware off of the existing switch, so I would think it would be less buggy and more refined, but I guess we’ll have to see.
I’m actually super curious how easy/hard it’ll be to grab a console at launch. I’m also very curious if the switch 2 will have a stable launch without any weird launchday bugs like the original had.
In Canada I don’t think the majority really understand much at all about government. In my opinion, it seems like a chunk of the population just vote to spite the existing party and on feelings alone. Federally, the Canadian government has just flip-flopped every 2 or 3 terms back and forth.
The irony is that’s likely a massive oversimplification on my part. But I think people are extremely ignorant. Hell I feel ignorant myself, and I would say I understand more than a lot of people.
I’m curious once translation technology advances if one day we’ll get some kind of cultural bubble “pop” where suddenly everyone can enjoy global media without the language barriers.
I played up to AC3 and then felt like I had my fill with the series. I haven’t played Black Flag, but I always hear that’s the best one. I think the collection aspects in each game kinda just burnt me out. I spent so much time on the first couple of games that by the time AC3 rolled around, I was very much done.
Some key elements I really enjoyed were the environmental detail, the cat and mouse gameplay, which was also fun. One element I quickly grew tired of was tailing stealth missions, where you had to slowly follow the target to the end of the mission area. At the start of the series it wasn’t super overdone, but boy did that get overdone in games since then haha.
I remember wanting them to go the whole ninjas route as it seemed like the obvious choice. So I’m kind of interested in trying the latest game at some point. I feel like we don’t really get ninja games anymore, so I’m hoping it’ll be good
So they’ve started drafting in Moscow? They must be desperate. I remember reading in the early days that it was safe there and that they wouldn’t mess with the big cities.
The interesting thing about BFV was that Dice got spread thin during development of the updates.
Battlefront 2 was not in good shape and started recieving a ton of fixes, and during that time is when BFV development slowed to a crawl.
I’m assuming disney was not happy with the negative press? But I have no real clue
So, one thing that’s funny is the one instance that popped into my head was when an EA exec actually recommended a feature that ended up making Anthem better (but also possibly worse?). There’s a famous story of how they were requested to add flying to the game, which added tons and tons of work and a good portion of dev time. But arguably was the best part of anthem. Unfortunately, they were unable to salvage it as we saw.
Once EA came into the picture, things went downhill quick.
What 2FA do you prefer? I’ve been thinking of looking for an alternative
Farcry and farcry 2 were my map editors of choice
Far cry 2 had the best fire and foliage. It lives rent free in my head lol. Only downside was the constant patrols trying to mess you up.
All the more reason to leave anything Facebook related.