Next headline: “The economy is doing super duper awesomesauce but Americans keep saying shit’s fucked: Economists baffled”
Next headline: “The economy is doing super duper awesomesauce but Americans keep saying shit’s fucked: Economists baffled”
One would think a legal name change would have been in their top 5 things-to-do-after-the-war list.
Spoiler: he did.
Just some horse balls is all.
Those went into the peach cobbler.
And just think, rural Oregon aspires to be under Idaho’s stewardship.
…says you.
Meanwhile, modern Wendy’s is all, “Here’s three patties on a greasy bun slathered in ketchup/mustard/mayo, and if you manage to take a bite it’s all gonna come sliding out the other side like bloody pus. Comes with bacon as an option, too. Don’t forget your quart of sugar water.”
I worked in a “datacenter” where the humidifier function for the HVAC unit was turned off because it leaked under the floor into an adjoining office when it was trying to humidify. Management refused to fix the unit due to the cost, and saw no issue with running the room with relative humidity in the teens all winter. Madness.
The millions of people that get infected with one or more of the above but not diagnosed:
“Man, I had a really bad cold. Felt awful. Had to go to work though, was out of sick days and the boss couldn’t/wouldn’t find other coverage.”
Yeah, I’m aware it can be worse. I could go into details about how I got boned, but that’s not the point either of us were making. I have friends that rent and the only ones that didn’t get their nuts put in a vice were already under section 8. One couple just had to uproot again because the landlord sold. Again. Second time in three years. I can’t help them, and I hate it.
Corporate profits <- your wallet
Because interest rates are insane trapping people in homes they no longer want but can’t afford to leave?
I’m in this comment and I don’t like it.
But there were some other headlines that said “people think the economy is bad but they’re spending lots of money so that means it’s good hahaha people are so dumb.”
ate a scoop of powdered chicken bouillon
…nope, not gonna ask.
To sum up what a lot of other folks are saying:
Money doesn’t buy happiness; money mitigates misery.
Now just one second. I have it on very good authority that God works in mysterious ways. Your outline above has a clear narrative, and is therefore invalid.
Checkmate, mumblegrumble!
strict control of access to bathrooms, and in general the prison-like obsession with routines and schedules
I’d argue that this is one of the only real life situations that school prepares people for: you’re very likely to be stuck living on someone else’s schedule for the vast majority of your life. Your employer decides what time you have to be there and what time you’re allowed to leave; when you get a break; when you can use the bathroom; when you’re allowed to take a vacation. Sick for more than a day or two? Better burn some cash and get a doctor’s note. Need to go to a funeral? Immediate family only, company policy, sorry buddy.
the only thing we knew about them was that they were activated by cannabis.
I probably should be sleeping. I know this because as I was reading, my eyes lost focus a bit and I read that as “activated by cannibals.” Cue the confusion.
It’s easier to bamboozle someone than to convince them they’ve been bamboozled.